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XS11 Trike?

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  • XS11 Trike?

    I emailed you from your webpage asking about your Trikenest 1100. I am still in the planning stages of the conversion on this second bike. So far the only differential I have found in the 3.25 range is from the 65 & 66 Mustang.... I am still looking, but salvage yards don't have any more info than the web does on what diff is geared to what ratio. Still looking though.... I am still working out the details on mounting the differential and rear end in general. Just wanted to let you know I was inspired by yours and am going to build one (eventually...). This second bike is in 2 buckets, 3 boxes and misc peices... so I don't feel too bad about converting it to a trike.
    Anybody out there know of any diff's available in the US that will work, please let me know....

    - XS1100E (Project: Has a long way to go)
    - 2008 Honda Goldwing GL1800P
    Two Lane Road Riders Association
    Southern Cruisers
    TMRA, TxCOC, etc....

  • #2
    You can look at some of the import rear axles as well. Don't worry about going exact on the 3.25, as you can go to 14", or 20" rims/tires to help with the final ratio.
    The overall ratio of the XS1100 is available, you just need to figure out what you want for a geared top speed. The other problem will be a reverse gear, other that SWMBO.
    Ray Matteis
    XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
    XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!


    • #3
      Also look into the rear differential from a Subaru all wheel drive. They’re smaller and more compact and would be more suited to bike use.

      Hi my name is Tony and I'm a bikeoholic.

      The old gray biker ain't what he used to be.


      • #4
        You guys watch the biker build off? I saw one last week not sure if it was re-run or new, but the Russel guy from exile choppers built a trike that was awesome!!!!! He machined out a new rear diff that was quite trick. Did not look that hard to do (of coarse they always make it look easy). It was all made out of billet. Very cool.
        Travis Miller
        1978 E


        • #5
          I heard about that from a guy at work, but he didn't remember what show he saw it on. I'll have to watch Biker Build Off a lot closer. I haven't missed many of them, but I missed that one.

          - XS1100E (Project: Has a long way to go)
          - 2008 Honda Goldwing GL1800P
          Two Lane Road Riders Association
          Southern Cruisers
          TMRA, TxCOC, etc....


          • #6
            Hi Remcool

            My current Trike uses a diff from a Ford Sierra, I think they called it a Merkur over there. It does cause another set of problems though, which you can see on my website.
            Don't know if that helps.

            I've never bothered with a reverse gear, you'll soon learn to park with the Trike pointing out and if you don't it'll be no heavier than a sidecar outfit anyway.
            Triking - it's a way of life!



            • #7
              Thanks for all the input. I'll check for the Merkur in the local salvage yards, and even the Suburu's, I had been looking for the 3.25 specifically, but if others will work, I'll go that route.
              Thanks again!

              - XS1100E (Project: Has a long way to go)
              - 2008 Honda Goldwing GL1800P
              Two Lane Road Riders Association
              Southern Cruisers
              TMRA, TxCOC, etc....


              • #8
                If you can find one, the rear from the 82 to 86 Toyota Tercel wagon (AWD) would be an excellent choice. It is very light weight, and the pumpkin can be turned up side down inside the housing. What ever rear you use HAS to be run up side down, cause the XS11 driveshaft turns in the opposite direction as an automobile shaft. On most rears, you will have to run the rear up side down, and relocate the drain and vent. With the Tercel rear (and possibly others), the bolt pattern will allow you to turn the pumpkin 180 degrees, eliminating the need to change the vent and drain. But you will have to pound out the tin housing in the back to clear the ring gear in this new position. Hope this helps
                put something smooooth betwen your legs, XS eleven
                79 F (Blueballs)
                79 SF (Redbutt)
                81 LH (organ donor)
                79 XS 650S (gone to MC heaven)
                76 CB 750 (gone to MC heaven)
                rover has spoken


                • #9
                  I found a salvage yard only about 30 miles away that says they have a wide variety of diff's from lots of small cars and foreign cars.... So.... Saturday, I'll be out to see what he has. Once I have started the mock up, I'll dociument and post (if any is interested) if not than I'll post it on my webpage .... Anyway, thanks for all the help again!

                  - XS1100E (Project: Has a long way to go)
                  - 2008 Honda Goldwing GL1800P
                  Two Lane Road Riders Association
                  Southern Cruisers
                  TMRA, TxCOC, etc....


                  • #10
                    I'm interested!

                    BTW did you get my original e-mail reply or am I reading your mail wrong?
                    I checked and I did send one.

                    Triking - it's a way of life!



                    • #11
                      Yes, I did get an email back from you. You even included the drawing for making the drive shaft (an extra bonus for me because I was going to have to have one made). I have tons of questions, but I am going to try to work them out first ... then I'll come back grovelling on my knees with my head bowed and eyes fixed on the ground in front of me as I humbly remove my hat and ask for help getting the brakes to work right (as one example). I am looking forward to Saturday, thats\'s when the project will really start.... at least on the actual bike.
                      I am going to go the hard-tail route. at least to get it on the road.

                      - XS1100E (Project: Has a long way to go)
                      - 2008 Honda Goldwing GL1800P
                      Two Lane Road Riders Association
                      Southern Cruisers
                      TMRA, TxCOC, etc....


                      • #12
                        Doing it backwards.

                        Rover sez:- invert the pumpkin.
                        No! No!
                        Use the front axle from a small 4WD and turn the seat round to build yourself a modern version of a BSA front-wheel-drive 3-wheeler
                        Fred Hill, S'toon.
                        Fred Hill, S'toon
                        XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
                        "The Flying Pumpkin"


                        • #13
                          And put the seat on the bottom. Then you can hire out as a road inspector!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          put something smooooth betwen your legs, XS eleven
                          79 F (Blueballs)
                          79 SF (Redbutt)
                          81 LH (organ donor)
                          79 XS 650S (gone to MC heaven)
                          76 CB 750 (gone to MC heaven)
                          rover has spoken


                          • #14
                            Ya know, that just might work!
                            SWMBO doesn't like 2 wheels, and says she'll at least try 3, so.... I was able to get the "New Project" in several buckets and boxes, so my conscience is clear as far as "destroying" an XS11E, I'm just rebuilding it to be "better than is was before" (at least before I got it), and instead of ending up in a salvage yard somewhere, it eventually will be rollong down the road again.
                            But ya know... that backwards idea.....

                            - XS1100E (Project: Has a long way to go)
                            - 2008 Honda Goldwing GL1800P
                            Two Lane Road Riders Association
                            Southern Cruisers
                            TMRA, TxCOC, etc....


                            • #15
                              Another option

                              Hi Rem,
                              first let me say that I am prejudiced against trikes.
                              It'd be far less effort to hang a sidecar on the thing and the XS11
                              makes a great sidecar tug.
                              My wife also don't like riding pillion, says if she wanted to sit like that she'd go see her doctor. But she happily sits in the sidecar playing Elvis on her discman so we can go on rallies & stuff together in harmony.
                              Fred Hill, S'toon.
                              Fred Hill, S'toon
                              XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
                              "The Flying Pumpkin"

