Originally posted by 81xsproject
Untill now!
This maybe old news for some people, but for me it is a new, awesome, time saving trick. You can search all at once by typing
(xs1100,xs 1100,xs eleven)
Untill now!

(xs1100,xs 1100,xs eleven)
Originally posted by randy
BTW, bidding early is NOT the way to win ebay auctions.
BTW, bidding early is NOT the way to win ebay auctions.
Man, I don't know about you guys, but does anyone teach a "capitalism 101" course around here? Maybe "Marketplace Dynamics and YOU," or something?
There are - were - a couple of great deals on XS1100's on eBay right now and in the last 24hours all these newbie bidders have driven - well, one went from $1 to $800 just cause two guys thought they'd be able to stay on top of the bid.
Here's some more eBay poop - in addition to the parentheticals someone suggested recently you'll also find that "quotes" help when querying multiple terms - something which has " " spaces in between the words:
(xs1100, "xs 1100", "xs eleven")
Lately though, here's my personal favorite:
Just plug in your maximum bid preference and let them place the bid at the last minute. Wait for an email notice.
Keep those auction prices down!
p.s. I wonder if these guys just sit there every minute checking the update on the bid price? ...okay, I'm done now.