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Any of you guys collect guns?

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  • #46
    Hey Wes,

    Guess you were paying attention more than I was, I just heard the last of the broadcast and thought it was the Board of was a voter referendum huh? More like a referendumb! People are just plain stupid. There's been a rash of gangland murders, do people really think that gangsters are going to turn in their guns? If it's pointed your way do you call 911? To paraphrase Bugs Bunny, "What a bunch of moroons!" Guess they haven't heard about NYC and DC and Australia and Great Britain and their soaring gun violence since guns were outlawed. So there's only one gun store left in SF now? Damn! One of the oldest stores (where I bought my Taurus 9mm) decided to call it quits a few years back, a great loss. That was one of the biggest and best gun stores I've ever been in. There's always the pawn shops though, they got guns.

    If I were you I would go over the Golden Gate Bridge to Marin County and visit Muir Woods. You'll never forget the experience. This is a virgin redwood forest, one of the few left. Way more impressive than the works of man. It's like going to church. These are some of the oldest living things on this planet, many were around before Christ was born. Most of these forests are gone forever having long ago been clear cut by the lumber industry. It used to be solid forest from Santa Cruz to the Oregon border. Now at least the lumber companies are farming the trees instead of cutting 2,000 year old giants.

    The best way to get around in San Francisco would be to take the BART train over and then use taxis to get around. Frisco is hell to drive in if you don't know your way around and they'll charge you exhorbitantly for parking everywhere. The parking tickets are really expensive and your rental car company will charge your credit card for them. The best cab company to call is Veterans or Arrow (same company, same dispatch) or just flag any empty you see. Take your rental car for the Muir Woods trip though or any trip outside of San Francisco. When I lived in San Francisco I didn't even own a car, used my motorcycle, took public transit or walked. When I needed a car I took a cab. When I went out of town I rode my motorcycle or rented a new car. Saved a lot of money on garage rent, insurance, parking tickets and upkeep that way!

    Definitely recommend the cable cars, the natives ride 'em, they're part of the mass transit system. I never went out to Alcatraz, almost nobody who lives in SF has but tourists think it's a high point...suppose I've got to go there sometime. Chinatown is a place I went often and even now I go there to eat or shop when I'm in town. Bear in mind that Frisco is only 7 miles across with water on 3 sides, 49 square miles. You can walk from the Bay to the Pacific in a couple of hours. Golden Gate Park is a treasure but it takes a lot of time to explore. I used to walk there a lot with my dogs, still haven't seen it all.
    Shiny side up,
    650 Mike

    XS1100SF "Rusty", runs great, 96k miles
    XS650SJ "The Black Bike", engine from XS650H with 750cc big bore kit, 30k miles

    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well preserved piece, but to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out and defiantly shouting, "WOW, what a ride !" - [URL=""]Sprung[/URL]


    • #47
      Yeah, they called it Proposition H. Reminds me of a topical ointment. Give it a couple of years and they'll be needing it.

      Great idea about the redwoods!! I've always wanted to see them. Glad they are so close. It's funny, I see there is a Tennessee Lagoon near there, too. Looking at the satellite map, the area's a whole lot smaller than I thought it was. Google rocks. The roads through there look like they'd be fun on a bike.

      Thanks for the other info, too. I'm going to enjoy this trip, I think.
      80 XS1100SG
      81 XS400SH

      Some men miss opportunity because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison

      A Few Animations I've Made


      • #48
        The roads around there are great Wes, Highway 1 up from Mill Valley as far as you want to go...fantastic! Highway 35 to the south from San Fran is great too. Highway 1 anywhere the length of California...

        Muir Woods is a little island of old growth close in to the city, glad they saved it. You'll like it, bring a camera and have someone take your picture standing by one of those giants...amaze your friends back home!
        Shiny side up,
        650 Mike

        XS1100SF "Rusty", runs great, 96k miles
        XS650SJ "The Black Bike", engine from XS650H with 750cc big bore kit, 30k miles

        Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well preserved piece, but to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out and defiantly shouting, "WOW, what a ride !" - [URL=""]Sprung[/URL]


        • #49


          San Francisco is about the center of the coatal change.
          HY1 runs both north and south along the coast.
          The further North you go (IMO) the better it gets. Mountains right down to the ocean, spectacular.

          Go south, rolling hills along with some really cool beaches.

          Both north and south there are many roads that take off in to the hills south and mountains in the north.

          Bring your camera!!!



          • #50
            Hey Jw,

            Just wondering what you do, sales? Marketing? Insurance?

            with my job I dont get any travel, guess that is why I like my bike so much, even though I havent went far yet, Manchester is the farthest so far, about 100 miles one way for me.

            I'll maybe going there this weekend again, My sister lives there and her hubby got a new (to him) bike, and maybe we'll do some riding.

            Have a good trip!
            '82 Xj1100j

            "Ride for the Son"

            < )) ><



            • #51
              Forgot to mention Wes, bring a jacket (preferably windproof) with you at all times, the weather is very changeable in Frisco sometimes it'll be sunny and then foggy and windy two blocks away!
              Shiny side up,
              650 Mike

              XS1100SF "Rusty", runs great, 96k miles
              XS650SJ "The Black Bike", engine from XS650H with 750cc big bore kit, 30k miles

              Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well preserved piece, but to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out and defiantly shouting, "WOW, what a ride !" - [URL=""]Sprung[/URL]


              • #52
                Thanks for the ideas everyone! Something tells me I'll have far less time than stuff to do Will the weather actually be nice enough to go to a beach?? That would be amazing. I haven't swam in the ocean since I was a kid.

                Actually John, I do security systems. Cameras, card access, parking systems, emergency communications, and the like. I work for a system integrator in Nashville. I guess locally, I get a lot of travel, as I'll rack up 60k+ miles a year in my van. A large portion of it is in Nashville though. It's not the same as a trip. Always headed to another problem to fix....

                I find it rather humorous about the whole "Big Brother" thing, for in a way, he signs my paychecks! When you understand the technologies that can be used against you, you understand their limitations as well.

                I've rarely gotten to travel out of state over the years. Rarely taken a vacation more than a few days to catch up things around the house. For a long time I've resisted travelling for training since it furthers the dependancy on me my company has developed. Let others learn something, I say! I've been taking it when it's offered here lately though. It's kinda like getting a paid vacation. Besides, I wouldn't want them to not need me too much
                80 XS1100SG
                81 XS400SH

                Some men miss opportunity because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison

                A Few Animations I've Made


                • #53
                  Even when the weather's hot (not often) the ocean's too cold off San Francisco to swim in. The surfers wear wet suits and they still come in shivering and blue. There's no life guards either since you're not supposed to go in because of the dangerous undertow. Gotta go to SoCal to swim in the ocean.
                  Shiny side up,
                  650 Mike

                  XS1100SF "Rusty", runs great, 96k miles
                  XS650SJ "The Black Bike", engine from XS650H with 750cc big bore kit, 30k miles

                  Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well preserved piece, but to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out and defiantly shouting, "WOW, what a ride !" - [URL=""]Sprung[/URL]


                  • #54
                    Oh well, prolly wouldnt have any daytime to do it in anyway
                    80 XS1100SG
                    81 XS400SH

                    Some men miss opportunity because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison

                    A Few Animations I've Made


                    • #55
                      The beach is nice when it's sunny though, I just don't recommend the water. You might try the Cliff House for dinner, nice view of waves breaking on Seal Rocks though most of the sea lions seem to hang out at Pier 39 these days, no one knows why. Maybe after thousands of years of being subject to severe weather from Pacific storms they found the relatively tranquil bay more to their liking. A bunch of them moved onto some boat docks there some years back and the pier owners tried all sorts of ways to get them to move off since they were losing dock fees from boat owners. The sea lions wouldn't be moved and the pier owners finally realized they had an A-1 tourist attraction on their hands. Now the sea lions are welcome to stay as long as they like. And since fewer boat docks were available they were able to raise the rents on the ones that were left. Ain't capitalism grand?
                      Shiny side up,
                      650 Mike

                      XS1100SF "Rusty", runs great, 96k miles
                      XS650SJ "The Black Bike", engine from XS650H with 750cc big bore kit, 30k miles

                      Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well preserved piece, but to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out and defiantly shouting, "WOW, what a ride !" - [URL=""]Sprung[/URL]


                      • #56

                        Just to add to what Mike has said in this post, the Bay area is an AWSOME place to visit. I was stationed in the San Joaquin valley ( NAS Lemoore) in the 80s and rode every day. SWMBO and I went to SF at least once every 3 months. Like you said, you'd run out of time before you would run out of things to do. One hint, bring lots of cash. Just to park the cage near the wharfs for half a day in the 80s was $10. It's worth the price of admission though.
                        Papa Gino

                        79 and something XS 1100 Special "Battle Cruiser"
                        78 XT 500 "Old Shaky"
                        02 Kawasaki Concours "Connie"


                        • #57
                          CA traffic

                          don't know how people drive in your area.
                          Bay Area drivers can be very XSagressive and sometimes flat out dangerous.

                          Traffic during commute hours is really something to avoid.
                          Simple 30 minute drive can turn into 2 hours.
                          When I get caught in the city between 4/5 pm (especially on fridays) I go have dinner and then to a bar untill about 7.

                          If your going to the city only, bart is the way to go. taxy around when you get there.

                          If you like watching people, SF has just about every kind there is.



                          • #58
                            Amen mro, especially those yuppoid jerks in Marin County, gawd I hate those bastards. Maybe I should carry a short-barrelled .357 just for BMW, Lexus and Infiniti drivers who don't use turn sigs and cut in and out of traffic all the while with a cellphone glued to their left ear so they can't see the left side mirror. A round in the engine would stop that sh*t right now! Nah, I'd never do that but I bet there's plenty of nut-balls in the Bay Area who would. I'll be watching the news every night with bated breath.
                            Shiny side up,
                            650 Mike

                            XS1100SF "Rusty", runs great, 96k miles
                            XS650SJ "The Black Bike", engine from XS650H with 750cc big bore kit, 30k miles

                            Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well preserved piece, but to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out and defiantly shouting, "WOW, what a ride !" - [URL=""]Sprung[/URL]


                            • #59
                              I passed the 7 day waiting period for the 1911 and when I went to pick it up, delayed by the feds. Oh well, I can get it Tuesday....More toys to quiet the neigbors...
                              "If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z. X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut." - Albert Einstein

                              "Illegitimi non carborundum"-Joseph W. "Vinegar Joe" Stilwell

                              1980 LG
                              1981 LH


                              • #60
                                Been a long week so far, but fun!

                                Was in classes too late Mon and Tues to do too much, but got into SF last night and had a great time. The train was definately the way to go...traffic was horrendous. Chinatown is pretty amazing, and the city in general is a lot nicer then I expected it to be. Had a big fat crab at fisherman's wharf, was absolutely delicious!!

                                Drove to the top of Mt. Diablo this afternoon. Got a bunch of great pictures and I have to say, It's really beautiful out here. The mountains were striking with the red sunset this afternoon. Truly gorgeous! The poor little go-cart motor in my rental car had a hell of a time getting up it. Would've been nice to take the bike up it instead.

                                Going to go to Muir woods tomorrow, we're supposed to get out of class early enough for me to have the time to get out there with plenty of daylight to be able to enjoy it. The weather out here is fantastic. I get to go back home to half the temp it is here

                                The people here have really suprised me too. Really friendly overall. It seems it's hard to be too grouchy when you've got so much beauty around you. Both in nature, and in all those California girls! There's either something in the water around here or the local plastic surgeons are making many mountains of their own!!
                                80 XS1100SG
                                81 XS400SH

                                Some men miss opportunity because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison

                                A Few Animations I've Made

