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  • #61
    Originally posted by pggg
    What a sick joke. These arab idiots have been killing each other for centuries and it ain't EVER gonna change.
    True....though it's when they started killing us (Americans) that things began to get a little dicey for extremesist terrorists. Don't be fooled into thinking this is about Governments, or especially ( and this is the only humorous part of the whole situation) Oil. It's about killing slimey excrement-eating chicken sh#t terrorists. They poke their heads out, bam.... No more smoking ruins that used to be great institutions in the US, no more innocent people killed at work or going there. Not on our soil anyway. This ain't over yet, not even.

    You can call me an Arrogant American who can't stand terrorists, or thier goals, whatever and whoever they may be. Never forgetting what they did to my Country, what they continue to do, and what they will try to do in the future and most importantly.....Thanks to the few, the proud and the Brave, what they WILL NOT be able to do to my Country again.
    They Call Me the Breeze

    '79 SF


    • #62
      How Would you feel if And this is a Hypothetical question due to Homeland Security. The terrorists originated in our own Government? Or maybe bought and paid for by our Government?

      The Evidence is adding up daily that Al-Qaeda and Iraq wasn't involved.

      The 2nd Amendment was put in place to protect us against a corrupt Government gone array. They don't want us to have weapons to defend our selfs.
      "We are often so caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey." "


      • #63
        Originally posted by Winterhawk
        They don't want us to have weapons to defend our selfs.
        Nor gasoline to stockpile. Why were all those chemicals added to gasoline which make it go bad...? 'Course I guess there's nothing stopping me from stockpiling 'Sta-bil'...
        Your Mileage May Vary


        • #64
          I heard some guy on AM radio saying that it is illegal to stockpile food and water now? That's really going to far.
          "We are often so caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey." "


          • #65
            Should Utah secede?

            Hi Winterhawk,
            that should wind up the Mormons. In that faith a true believer is obliged to keep a yearsworth of non-perishable food items on hand.
            Fred Hill, S'toon.
            Fred Hill, S'toon
            XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
            "The Flying Pumpkin"


            • #66
              Classy Brew ?

              Yo Pggg, tried Steinlager, not bad , bit too yeasty for me, left me with headache, brew made just west of Melbourne tastes very similar, call Haagen malt lager, German style, nice drop. What are we going to wind up the septic tanks about this year, should be easy, they seem to take any bait that gets thrown their way. Email me at


              • #67
                Cue, must admit steinies don't do it for me neither. Jeez, we'd better watch it matey - no doubt the pompous hand-wringers round here are still sucking lemons. (yes - you know who you are)


                • #68
                  Sense of Humour

                  Some of the septics (not all) seem to take themselves rather too seriously, dont they?. Maybe if we were to ask them if they actually know where a few other countries are on this one planet that we are all supposedly sharing. And what they know about the prices of everyday items and living conditions in places outside of the "Good ol U.S of A". Petrol (gasoline) down here at present for 98 octane runs to over $3.20 US per gallon., beer is $24/25 US per two dozen stubbies (13 fluid oz). How about we (outside of USA) compare notes so they get the idea of how much they are protected from the reality of paying full wack for goods.


                  • #69
                    cost of fluids

                    Hi Cueball,
                    betcha you pay about the same as North Americans do for gas & beer. Your additional costs for those fluids are the fees your benevalent government charges you for the privelege of purchasing same.
                    Fred Hill, S'toon.
                    Fred Hill, S'toon
                    XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
                    "The Flying Pumpkin"


                    • #70
                      I want to say I blame all the egotistic morons in power. (Bush is a wanker) I don't want to criticize the American 'Joe average public'. Trouble is the 'Joe average public' voted that tosser back in! It doesn't make a shred of difference though - all 'world leaders' are dishonest corrupt greedy self-serving grandstanding egotists to me. Individuals don't crawl into these positions without being slimeballs in the first place.


                      • #71
                        Let's get it right

                        Possibly I went the wrong way by converting to US dollars. In local terms the petrol my 81 1100R runs best on costs between $I.10.9 to $1.14.9 cents per litre (4 of them to US gallon), so $4.43 to $4.59 per gallon. Beer runs from $28 to $35 dollars per carton (two dozen stubbies) for full strength, $20 to $28 for Light (2.7% alcohol). Those who are able to buy A Suzuki V-Strom for $7,499 are very lucky, down here they are about $15,000.
                        Those who dont realise the extent to which the continental USA is protected from paying world parity prices may need to get on a plane and spend some of their artificially inflated Greenbacks to see what reality is like elsewhere. Having said that I would like to agree with Pggg that not all Septic Tanks (Yanks) are wankers, however, those that loudly proclaim their nation to be the greatest place on the planet may need to get out of their comfort zones and experince reality in a few other places. Unfortunately the ones we seem to hear the most from are possibly those who have the least idea of other places and cultures.


                        • #72
                          Re: Let's get it right

                          Originally posted by cueball
                          Possibly I went the wrong way by converting to US dollars. In local terms the petrol my 81 1100R runs best on costs between $I.10.9 to $1.14.9 cents per litre (4 of them to US gallon), so $4.43 to $4.59 per gallon. Beer runs from $28 to $35 dollars per carton (two dozen stubbies) for full strength, $20 to $28 for Light (2.7% alcohol). Those who are able to buy A Suzuki V-Strom for $7,499 are very lucky, down here they are about $15,000.
                          Those who dont realise the extent to which the continental USA is protected from paying world parity prices may need to get on a plane and spend some of their artificially inflated Greenbacks to see what reality is like elsewhere. Having said that I would like to agree with Pggg that not all Septic Tanks (Yanks) are wankers, however, those that loudly proclaim their nation to be the greatest place on the planet may need to get out of their comfort zones and experince reality in a few other places. Unfortunately the ones we seem to hear the most from are possibly those who have the least idea of other places and cultures.
                          I kinda like the low gas/ insurance/ everything else prices. You make that sound like a bad thing.
                          I've had the opportunity to spend several monthes working in canadian auto plants and I got the feeling they were as pissed about the ass banging the Canadian government is giving them as I would be if they started that free health care **** here.

                          The cost of things world-wide would drop if other governments dropped their tarriffs a little to allow some competition.
                          A polish buddy of mine told me a Chrysler minivan was $50K in Europe. Thats a family type vehicle, what family can afford something like that?
                          79 XS1100F "JINGUS"
                          07 V-star 1100
                          Do you want it done right or do you want me to do it?


                          • #73
                            Of Course You Do

                            Why wouldn't you like to have everything cheap, I would. Maybe you could try to get your head around the ides that the rest of the planet is getting sick of subsidising you (America) and being screwed by the almighty greenback.

                            If you were to look at some news from the rest of the planet it might be a shock to find that the greenback is falling against other currencies, it seems that the rest of the world has had enough.

                            A look at the amount of money that goes to keep uncompetitive farmers producing overpriced goods, while denying those who are efficient the chance to compete on a level playing field will shjock you. It will not shock me. Your country does not really care for mine except that we are convenient as a place to keep an eye on some of the Asian countries. The Good Ol US of A has us bent over two barrels called Trade and Regional Defence, which puts us in a "pucker up or else" situation.

