Part Two
She's on her way to Beertown again to try to bring this thing home. PO cleaned the carbs, and found that some old fuel had set up in there. He rode it for a good while the other day, and says it runs as good as new. If any of you should happen to see a gal on an FJ1100 just a haulin' it south on I-35, please slide over and let her by.
And if you should see her along side the road, please stop and lend a hand.
She's on her way to Beertown again to try to bring this thing home. PO cleaned the carbs, and found that some old fuel had set up in there. He rode it for a good while the other day, and says it runs as good as new. If any of you should happen to see a gal on an FJ1100 just a haulin' it south on I-35, please slide over and let her by.
