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SWMBO just bought another Damned FJ1100

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  • SWMBO just bought another Damned FJ1100

    She won the bid on E bay. here are some pics of it.

  • #2
    Maybe she was tired of leaving you behind all the time and she's gonna let you ride one?
    Jon Groelz

    '82 XJ1100J-John
    '78 XS1100E-Name Forthcoming (It's a Girl!)


    • #3
      Do thewords 'Bite me' mean aything to you?
      Now she has to fly to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and ride it back.


      • #4
        Nothing two cans of matt black paint won't fix.

        If it doesn't have an engine, it's not a sport, it's only a game.
        (stole that one from I-dont-know-who)


        • #5
          Hell, that's probably some $500 or more worth of paint work. It looks too cool to mess with, and it's not all that old.


          • #6
            One Kool Kat...

            If you put a leopard skin seat cover and some fringe on'd have a really neat 'PIMP-MOBILE'

            Are you guys gonna ride that in TEXAS?

            My older brother was hatched in Texas (Wichita Falls)

            And from my limited (Texas) X-periences
            One may not want to be found riding this type of machine around!

            Bubba might mistake you for a (?) and start some guff with you!

            I'd paint it black...and put kool striping on it

            But then Texas women might think she's 'butch' and give her crap 'bout that

            So I'd just 'tune her' and ride REALLY fast!

            Keep the garage doors open...just in case!

            WAY TO GO!

            We need ALL the Women XS/XJ ( or any motorcycle) riders we can get!!!!

            RIDE ON...YOU GUYS

            And good luck!

            "alis volat proprils"

            "She flies with her own wings"

            (Ancient Latin saying about independent Women cir-150 CE)
            '79 SF "MO's Missile"
            '79 SF "That Old Black Magic"
            '79 SF "the Tomato Can"
            '80 SG "The BEAST"
            '80 XS850-SG "STILETTO"
            '81 SH "The NEW KID"
            '76 CB 750 K5 "The Orphan"


            • #7
              This one should be even faster than her current FJ1100. The new has a Vance & Hines header, and has been jetted. Hell, even with my big bore, I don't know if I can keep up with the old one, so what chance do I have against the new one?
              She's been riding since 92, when she was in Army's101st Air Assault Division in Ft. Campbell. Ky. so I think she can take care of her self. Her first ride (training wheels) was a Honda 450 Night Hawk. Good little bike. Very forgiving!
              So your brother is a Texan? I'm sorry to hear that.
              We've been watching the weather for this week end, and it looks like rain for most of her ride from Milwaukee to here. I plan to meet her in Oklahoma City, and ride it from there to give her a break.


              • #8
                How long is it going to take her to get from Milwaukee to Ok City?

                That's quite a ride in itself. I hope the seat's not worn out. On the bike, I mean.


                • #9
                  Hey Lee. Welcom to the club. Another Metroplex XSer. Cool. We are planning on the whole trip taking about 19-20 driving hours. So I guess about 16 hours to OKC. It's about 200 miles from OKC to here isn't it? I made a drive from Minneapolis to here a few years ago, in a cage, and it took me 16.5 hours. I'm sure she'll be worn out from the ride. We were going to go to the TeXSive rally in Blanco a couple of weeks ago, and she was wondering if she could handle a 250 mile ride. To make matters worse, it looks like rain for most of the trip.
                  What do you ride? Where in Big D do you live?


                  • #10
                    Re: One Kool Kat...

                    Originally posted by Steve Linderman
                    If you put a leopard skin seat cover and some fringe on'd have a really neat 'PIMP-MOBILE'

                    Are you guys gonna ride that in TEXAS?

                    My older brother was hatched in Texas (Wichita Falls)

                    And from my limited (Texas) X-periences
                    One may not want to be found riding this type of machine around!

                    Bubba might mistake you for a (?) and start some guff with you!

                    I'd paint it black...and put kool striping on it

                    But then Texas women might think she's 'butch' and give her crap 'bout that

                    So I'd just 'tune her' and ride REALLY fast!

                    Keep the garage doors open...just in case!

                    WAY TO GO!

                    We need ALL the Women XS/XJ ( or any motorcycle) riders we can get!!!!

                    RIDE ON...YOU GUYS

                    And good luck!

                    "alis volat proprils"

                    "She flies with her own wings"

                    (Ancient Latin saying about independent Women cir-150 CE)
                    I think to be classified as a "Pimp-mobile" it would have to be John's bike... and that just ISN'T going to happen...
                    I could do without the fringe... but maybe tiger stripes... hmmmmmmmmmm...

                    You know... if John hadn't left me in the dust so many times when I had my 450 Nighthawk... I wouldn't have felt the need to get a bike that would eat his for lunch.

                    Lesson to be learned from this:
                    If SWMBO rides... make sure you don't leave her in the dust... or she may return the "favor" one day.
                    he he he
                    81 SH Something Special
                    81 frame, 80 tank and side covers, 79 tail light and carbs, 78 engine, 750 final drive mod, Geezer rec/reg, 140 mains, LH wheels

                    79 SF MEAUQABEAUXS
                    81SH Nor'eas tah (Old Red)
                    80 LG Black Magic
                    78 E Standard Practice

                    James 3:17

                    If I can make at least one person smile, or pee their pants a little, or maybe spit out their drink; then my day is not wasted.

                    “Alis Volat Propriis”

                    Yamaha XS 1100 Classic
                    For those on FB


                    • #11
                      John, I live in NW Dallas and work in Las Colinas. I have a 1982 XJ 1100 that is currnetly not running. In the meantime I am riding my 1981 550 Maxim. I recently moved and the new house has no place to work on a bike, so I am trying to figure out what to do. I have had the XJ about a year and had it licensed and inspected before it quit running. I just rebuilt the petcocks as one was dripping a steady stream of gas onto one of the little cone air filters. The transmission shifts like an old Renault, so I am afraid that I am going to have to tear into it once I find a place to work. I imagine that the frost is on the pumpkin in Wisc. I hope your wife gets a wrm weather window.


                      • #12
                        I parted out two XJ's and I still have some electrical parts left. Let me know if you need anything. I see that we work fairly close to each other. I work For AA on the north end of DFW.


                        • #13
                          Thanks for the info. Like I said, I am still looking for a place to work on my bike and my son's 1979 650. When you get the time, let me buy you lunch in Grapevine.


                          • #14
                            Trouble in Paradise/Milwaukee

                            Well...she gets to Milwaukee, and when she gets to the bike, it apparently runs like crap. Seems it sat since April, and it had not been set up for storage. Current owner said he had it fired up earlier in the week, then fueled it up, and it started missing bad, and won't idle. She called me and started it up. I could hear it run. Not good. Sounds like a fuel problem to me, but I was listening on a cell phone. The current owner is going to have the PO who did the mods, clean the carbs during the week, and SWMBO will fly back up there and try again. If it can't be straightened out by next Thursday, then the current owner will refund her money. Now to top it all off, all of the American Airlines/ American Eagle flights are full, and it looks like she may have to spend the night up there, and try to get back tomorrow morning.
                            Can you say"Shot at and missed, s#it at and hit?


                            • #15
                              I hate to say it but this sounds like E-Bay. Things are never quite the way that they are supposed to be. Not completely off, but kind of skewed.

