I was sitting here wondering about what would folks "dream" bikes be? Specifically Japanese bikes. Of course your XJ or XS doesn't count! For myself, among Yamaha's, I think it would be an XV920 Midnight Virago, since my last bike before eXJunk was a 750 Virago and I really liked it, and I've always liked the looks of the "Midnight" series. As far as Honda's, it would be the CBX or maybe the CX500 Turbo. Neither real practical, but.... For Kawaski's, I've always liked the look of the Spectre. For Suzuki, I've always wanted one of the rotary-engine bikes. I can't recall the model number, but I think it started with "RE". So much for my garage-full!
Which would be your "dream" bikes?
Which would be your "dream" bikes?
