was thinking about a big bore kit and have been reading through all the old posts about it.
the engine i have in mind has 37,000 miles on it. if i were to do the big bore kit - am i looking at an engine that will have plenty of life in it or would i really need to rework the whole engine (bearings, etc)???
and does ANYBODY have any idea how much power is gained? i could not find any good info other than "there was a noticeable difference"
would really like to fix this bike up... but at $400 for the kit, $180 to get the cylinders bored, and another $160 for valve work..... i still have a 25 year old bike. maybe i should put that $750 plus repainting $$ plus new coils $$ plus new brake lines $$$ plus trade-in $$ towards a used bandit or maybe a v-max?
i wish i weren't so indecisive.
the engine i have in mind has 37,000 miles on it. if i were to do the big bore kit - am i looking at an engine that will have plenty of life in it or would i really need to rework the whole engine (bearings, etc)???
and does ANYBODY have any idea how much power is gained? i could not find any good info other than "there was a noticeable difference"
would really like to fix this bike up... but at $400 for the kit, $180 to get the cylinders bored, and another $160 for valve work..... i still have a 25 year old bike. maybe i should put that $750 plus repainting $$ plus new coils $$ plus new brake lines $$$ plus trade-in $$ towards a used bandit or maybe a v-max?
i wish i weren't so indecisive.