well got the bowls off with my trusty rubber hammer. As expected a mess. Was able to free up the butterfly with persistence and liquid wrench. Working on the slide caps but still cant bust those screws loose. I am trying not to strip out the Philips heads. Anyone know the thread size?
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Take a cold chisel and hit on the edge of those screw heads to pop them loose. Then get new ones by matching them up at a hardware store. May even want to get Allen head screws so you don't have the issue again. As well, the screws have a Japanese Philips head, which strips out with an American Philips head driver. Find a Japanese screw driver tip and it might not need the cold chisel persuasion.Howard
BTW, ZRX carbs have the same spacing as the XS11... http://www.xs11.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35462
Carb rebuild
,Hello folks,
Many thanks to Topcat, DiverRay,BA80,Bonz, et all. I am not done bout have gotten the slides out, butterfly free, and floats out without breaking the posts. I don't know if they still have them but the float pins would be nice to replace. I think I will end up changing the little rubber thingy for the float assembly ( just kidding Valve and assembly) because one is frozen in the seat. Not all that bad I think but I did have the spring pop off the top. a little prevent so I don't need to pull them again.81 LH in process
09 vstar 1300
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Float Hinge Pin Mikuni BS34 CV carburetors
Float Hinge Pin for stock Mikuni BS34 CV Carbs as used on 1980-84 XS650's
OEM Reference #
• 537-14186
Part #20-6504 $1.50 USD Ea.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
Ok. down to the pilot jets. will need to purchase a thinner width screw driver or grind one down. Have a couple that will fit but are too loose in the slot and not enough grip. I hate brass.81 LH in process
09 vstar 1300
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Ok, TC, Wildkat, anyone, removing the old pilot jets. Again I will say I hate Brass. Good tight fit on screw driver, lots of penetrating oil ( soaked for 3 days), and well do easyouts work?81 LH in process
09 vstar 1300
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Hey Again,
Guess you had the brass slotted heads of the jets strip out?
Get a blow dryer, or a heat gun, but be careful with the heatgun, aluminum melts around 1200 F. Heat the carb body, then squirt carb cleaner, heat, repeat several cycles. Then heat again, then take tight fitting screwdriver and lightly hammer the tip into the jet, and then using a quick action, twist the jet loose. If to no avail, get some reverse twist drill bits to use to attempt to remove it/them...slow speed, as it drills into the jet top, will often grab/bite into the jet and twist it out.
Easy Outs are too brittle, and like to break off!
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
Hey Top!
Im 4 four 4 all pilots are removed. Tried the drill but I guess it was too sharp because it scraped right through the jet. Found a small ryobie easy out and was able to get it to grab and not snap. Yes I did the heat and clean then soaked in mmo about 20 times before I was brave enough to give them a shot. One of our engineers at work said heat it to about 250 in the oven for 30 to 40 minutes then give it a shot. My wife is patient but not sure she would be happy with baked carbs.81 LH in process
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Have the carbs stripped down most of the way. could someone answer 2 small questions for me?
First are the plugs over the mixture screws aluminum or am I drilling in the wrong area?
Second if I boil the entire rack in the water /pin sol mixture will it deteriorate the rubber at the choke plungers and fuel t's?
Thanks in advance.81 LH in process
09 vstar 1300
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Originally posted by aquamantx View PostHave the carbs stripped down most of the way. could someone answer 2 small questions for me?
First are the plugs over the mixture screws aluminum or am I drilling in the wrong area?
Second if I boil the entire rack in the water /pin sol mixture will it deteriorate the rubber at the choke plungers and fuel t's?
Thanks in advance.
The usual use of pinesol/water is in a ultrasonic cleaner.
While I have heard of heated not sure BOILING is a good idea
Others with more experience to comment here:.......
Phil1981 XS1100 H Venturer ( Addie)
1983 XJ 650 Maxim
2004 Kawasaki Concours. ( Black Bear)
I would just simmer at a low temp, not rapid boil.
Yes, we usually use an ultrasonic cleaner for the carbs, bit if you keep the temp down to just a boil/simmer, the carbs should be OK.
The cover caps I've worked on all had a very small dimple in the center, so drilling the center and using a sheet metal screw to get a bite and pull the caps was easy.Ray Matteis
XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!
Hey Ray,
Let's talk physics, or at least basic scientific principles!Why are you opposed to a rolling boil? IT could act a little like a very S-L-O-W subsonic vs. ultrasonic.
Water boils at 212 F/100 C, once it reaches BOILING, it is then experiencing increased energy/heat that allows the water molecules to then reach escape velocity into STEAM. But the actual liquid water that the carbs would be IN is still 212 degrees. Now, if he had them laying on a STEAMER rack above the boiling water, then they could become exposed to superheated water=steam at temps well above the 212 boiling temp.
I use a STEAM Sterilizer at work, it's a pressure vessel that combined with the steam pressurized up to 30 lbs psi it is ablet to attain ~273 degrees!That temp is necessary for both penetration and sterilization levels for all microbes on surgical instruments. They also have RUBBER liners in the trays for separators to help protect delicate small EYE instruments. I'm pretty sure that they are silicone/rubber mix, not just latex or Neoprene, but still think that the butterfly shaft seals should survive the 212 degrees whether it's a simmer boil or rolling one!
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
Well what levels of heat do you think we pick up on a ride on a 100 degree day? I do prefer to use caution in dealing with hard to find parts.
Did find the dimples in the caps and used previous experience for removal. Made a reverse gear puller by placing a box end wrench over the tower and running the bolt through a couple of washers. I was able to get the plugs out easily this way. Then took the V-Star out for a ride. Day was to nice to stay in the garage.81 LH in process
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