Recently, I have moved from way out west to North Carolina. Once here, I notified PORGESSIVE of my new address, they in short order sent me a revised M/C policy with new address and proof of insurance cards.
AAA did the same for my truck.
I obtained my NCDL with M/C endorsement.
So today, I set off to the local NCDMV office to register my XS and truck properly bestowed with all accoutrement of documentation to pull this off with minimal pain.
I have the original license plate that came on my XS when new. It is my wish to continue that vintage plate on my vintage XS.
The NCDMV person sez, “Here in NC, you can do that
‘IF’ the vehicle is recognized by NC as vintage.” NC recognizes my XS as an antique – check in the box –
“BUT” I must go to the number one NCDMV office in a city far, far away and plead my case to some sort of czar.
“IF” said czar agrees to my request, I can continue to display my vintage plate on my vintage – uh – antique XS.
“BUT” I still have to obtain a NC M/C plate
“AND” keep that NC plate somewhere on my XS.
“Okay,” sez I “gimmi the NC plate.”
“Can’t” sez the NCDMV person, “Your PORGESSIVE M/C insurance ain’t no good here in NC.” (paraphrased sort of)
“Okay,” sez I “I have AAA with my truck, I’ll just give’m a call and they’ll fix me up.”
“Maybe,” sez the NCDMV person, “but only if it is NC MEMBERSHIP AAA insurance. Just AAA insurance won’t do.” (paraphrased)
So I got out of line and called my local AAA agent to get fixed up.
To end the suspense, I do have NC MEMBERSHIP AAA and my agent fixed me up with NC MEMBERSHIP AAA M/C insurance that is underwritten by PORGESSIVE.
“S**T!” sez I (not paraphrased)
I left with my new NC plates and a spinning head and some more hoops to jump through.
AAA did the same for my truck.
I obtained my NCDL with M/C endorsement.
So today, I set off to the local NCDMV office to register my XS and truck properly bestowed with all accoutrement of documentation to pull this off with minimal pain.
I have the original license plate that came on my XS when new. It is my wish to continue that vintage plate on my vintage XS.
The NCDMV person sez, “Here in NC, you can do that
‘IF’ the vehicle is recognized by NC as vintage.” NC recognizes my XS as an antique – check in the box –
“BUT” I must go to the number one NCDMV office in a city far, far away and plead my case to some sort of czar.
“IF” said czar agrees to my request, I can continue to display my vintage plate on my vintage – uh – antique XS.
“BUT” I still have to obtain a NC M/C plate
“AND” keep that NC plate somewhere on my XS.
“Okay,” sez I “gimmi the NC plate.”
“Can’t” sez the NCDMV person, “Your PORGESSIVE M/C insurance ain’t no good here in NC.” (paraphrased sort of)
“Okay,” sez I “I have AAA with my truck, I’ll just give’m a call and they’ll fix me up.”
“Maybe,” sez the NCDMV person, “but only if it is NC MEMBERSHIP AAA insurance. Just AAA insurance won’t do.” (paraphrased)
So I got out of line and called my local AAA agent to get fixed up.
To end the suspense, I do have NC MEMBERSHIP AAA and my agent fixed me up with NC MEMBERSHIP AAA M/C insurance that is underwritten by PORGESSIVE.
“S**T!” sez I (not paraphrased)
I left with my new NC plates and a spinning head and some more hoops to jump through.