More fun Troubles for my Xterra.
Resurrecting this thread. Well, I don't have to work on the Sister-n-law's Quest anymore. She got herself a new Kia Soul, and "GAVE" the Quest to a charity. It had started acting up again so I knew it was another injector going. Regrettably, she recently passed away from complications from a combination of long term Insulin Dependence Diabetes, Kidney failure/dialysis, and then Ischemic Bowel syndrome....she had a fall at the dialysis center, broke her hip/femur, had surgery, but when she came out from anesthesia, she was having almost continuous seizures. They did other tests/scans and finally found the perforated bowel, 2nd surgery found extensive gangrene, they removed the dead section of bowel, but the gangrene had already made it into the portal vein of the liver...she was essentially already SEPTIC! She lingered for 4 days which allowed time for her 3 adult children to come to her side, say their goodbyes, and then handled the death/funeral home details so my wife didn't have to, having just gone thru that with her younger brother this spring. She's the eldest of 3 children herself, thought she'd be the first to go!
Anyways....I think I mentioned that after my Xterra missfire repairs, the check engine light was still on because of the Knock Sensor error. The engine is running just fine, same mpg as always, so the knock sensor isn't affecting the performance, and I would otherwise ignore it. BUT my state has vehicle inspections and won't pass it with a check engine light showing.
I have searched and read up about them, a simple sensor that eventually dies because of it's plastic housing and that they are often mounted proximal to the engine block....get cooked with heat, crack, etc.! Well here's where I get to be angry at the engineers being mounted on the engine block UNDER the intake manifold and plenum assembly. I'm NOT going to tear all of that off. I also found a few youtube videos about RELOCATING the sensor to make repeat access/replacement easier. I have found the one wire that goes to it, can view it with a mech. mirror from behind the engine between it and the firewall! The connector is supposed to be the type with the squared/ "U" Shaped wire clip. I think I can reach it with a flat blade screwdriver and get it OFF. BUT, if I can't, I'll just CUT the wire, and then reattach a new connector so that I can connect it to a NEW Sensor and then just bolt it up on top of the engine/intake manifold.
My question is does anybody know the name of the connector, and whether I can get one at the local auto store, or have to order it online somewhere. It's only a 2 wire/2 prong connector, and one of the connectors isn't being used, apparently the sensor routes to ground THRU the sensor??
Resurrecting this thread. Well, I don't have to work on the Sister-n-law's Quest anymore. She got herself a new Kia Soul, and "GAVE" the Quest to a charity. It had started acting up again so I knew it was another injector going. Regrettably, she recently passed away from complications from a combination of long term Insulin Dependence Diabetes, Kidney failure/dialysis, and then Ischemic Bowel syndrome....she had a fall at the dialysis center, broke her hip/femur, had surgery, but when she came out from anesthesia, she was having almost continuous seizures. They did other tests/scans and finally found the perforated bowel, 2nd surgery found extensive gangrene, they removed the dead section of bowel, but the gangrene had already made it into the portal vein of the liver...she was essentially already SEPTIC! She lingered for 4 days which allowed time for her 3 adult children to come to her side, say their goodbyes, and then handled the death/funeral home details so my wife didn't have to, having just gone thru that with her younger brother this spring. She's the eldest of 3 children herself, thought she'd be the first to go!

Anyways....I think I mentioned that after my Xterra missfire repairs, the check engine light was still on because of the Knock Sensor error. The engine is running just fine, same mpg as always, so the knock sensor isn't affecting the performance, and I would otherwise ignore it. BUT my state has vehicle inspections and won't pass it with a check engine light showing.
I have searched and read up about them, a simple sensor that eventually dies because of it's plastic housing and that they are often mounted proximal to the engine block....get cooked with heat, crack, etc.! Well here's where I get to be angry at the engineers being mounted on the engine block UNDER the intake manifold and plenum assembly. I'm NOT going to tear all of that off. I also found a few youtube videos about RELOCATING the sensor to make repeat access/replacement easier. I have found the one wire that goes to it, can view it with a mech. mirror from behind the engine between it and the firewall! The connector is supposed to be the type with the squared/ "U" Shaped wire clip. I think I can reach it with a flat blade screwdriver and get it OFF. BUT, if I can't, I'll just CUT the wire, and then reattach a new connector so that I can connect it to a NEW Sensor and then just bolt it up on top of the engine/intake manifold.
My question is does anybody know the name of the connector, and whether I can get one at the local auto store, or have to order it online somewhere. It's only a 2 wire/2 prong connector, and one of the connectors isn't being used, apparently the sensor routes to ground THRU the sensor??