i just discovered this last night and ordered one this morning, its a code reader for your car that hooks up via bluetooth to your smartphone and displays all your car's sensor data on the screen.
product . .
app . . .
it does 1/4 mile times 0-60 etc, plus torque and hp, coolant temp, throttle positon etc etc etc.
not sure how it would know torque and hp but i can't wait to try it out.
seems like a good buy compared to the $200 code reader from canadian tire (on sale now for $100)
product . .
app . . .
it does 1/4 mile times 0-60 etc, plus torque and hp, coolant temp, throttle positon etc etc etc.
not sure how it would know torque and hp but i can't wait to try it out.
seems like a good buy compared to the $200 code reader from canadian tire (on sale now for $100)