The back story, I have a 2002 Honda CRV. Keyless entry worked fine. It threw a code and I foud it was the evap vent solenoid. So, while under the car pulling the evap canister and replacing the solenoid I find a key taped to the rear suspension. I remove it, tried it in the door, it unlocks the door, tried it in the ignition it turned the ignition. Never did try to start it. Few weeks go by, I need to move the car and try this spare key I found. Well, it would not start with this key. Key turns, but starter will not engage. Get the key we have been using, and the car starts right up.
Now, ever since that attempt it seems, the keyless entry has been acting up. The FOB will lock and unlock every door except the drivers door. Drivers door has to be locked with the key. However, once it is locked with the key, the FOB only blinks the lights, no doors lock or unlock by the FOB. Once you unlock the drivers door with the key, all the other doors will lock or unlock by the FOB. Also, the drivers door lock will not push down form inside the car, has to be locked from the outside, this I figure is to prevent locking the keys in the car.
Once unlocked, the key starts the car just like normal.
So, I tried reprogramming the FOB to the car, no change. Are these unrelated coincidence? Or did the wrong key screw up the security system? Any ideas how to correct the issue?
Now, ever since that attempt it seems, the keyless entry has been acting up. The FOB will lock and unlock every door except the drivers door. Drivers door has to be locked with the key. However, once it is locked with the key, the FOB only blinks the lights, no doors lock or unlock by the FOB. Once you unlock the drivers door with the key, all the other doors will lock or unlock by the FOB. Also, the drivers door lock will not push down form inside the car, has to be locked from the outside, this I figure is to prevent locking the keys in the car.
Once unlocked, the key starts the car just like normal.
So, I tried reprogramming the FOB to the car, no change. Are these unrelated coincidence? Or did the wrong key screw up the security system? Any ideas how to correct the issue?