After returning from a 6 month all expense paid trip from the war of Hell. I was greated to Sandi. My house went 2 feet under worse yet I lost all my bikes to the nasty woman. I have been so busy trying to clean out the house and sick over the bikes I have hardly been able to even think of where to begin any one have any thoughts is I can save them and where to start? or are they goners They went up to the carbs Darn shame. Just dreamed of riding for months.
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Sandi put me Underwater
Sandi put me Underwater
Last edited by Eastcoaster; 11-05-2012, 07:45 PM.82 XJ1100J
81 Venturer
Newly acquired Aches N Pains collectionTags: None
Gordon sorry to hear that, its tough.
I have no experience with seawater salvage, but I would pick the best one and start dismantling and flushing with fresh water then light oil.
JohnJohn is in an anonymous city with an Alamo (N29.519227,W-98.678980)
Go ahead, click on the bikes - you know you want to...the electrons are ready.
'81 XS1100H - "Enterprise"
Bob Jones Custom Navy bike: Tkat brace, EBC floating rotors & SS lines, ROX pivot risers, Geezer rectifier, new 3H3 engine
"Not all treasure is silver and gold"
So sorry to see what you are going through. All I can say is I'm glad your home from Hell and you made it through Sandy. Bikes and material things will be replaced, stay strong. Hopefully things can be salavged and maybe anyone with spare parts here could help you out. If I had anything you could use I'd surely let you have them for your service and the loss you went through.
Keep us updated ok? Best of luck in the recovery.81 H
Sorry for your misfortune, that's a real bummer. I would probably start by power washing those bikes to try to get as much of the crap salt water residue off of them. I would check to see if any water has made it into the cylinders. Get that water out of there and get the contaminated oil out of the crankcase/gearboxes too.
2H7 (79) owned since '89
3H3 owned since '06
"If it ain't broke, modify it"
Glad you're back from Hell Alive and Well.
Hey there EastCoaster,
Bummer on the bikes, but folks have resurrected them from worst fates, just ask Davinci.....his was buried in a SWAMP!
Saltwater just promotes rusting of iron based metals, most of our bikes are aluminum, aside from the cylinder bores, and crank/gears. And there was plenty of OIL in there, so doubtful that it flushed much of it out! Yes, it may have gone thru the carbs into the intakes and down into the cylinder bores, but even so, it will probably only have just some FLASH rusting. That will scrub clean with the engine running in short order.
I would drain the oil and see what comes out. If you get that wonderful white mixture, then you'll know that it got into the engine. You might get lucky, or you might need to tear down the engine just to be able to flush it out with first water, then possibly mineral spirits, and then oil and reassemble.
The Final drive may have also gotten contaminated from the vent opening? Same for the middle drive. Also the wheel bearings and such.
Others with actual water/saltwater salvage experience will hopefully chime in here with corrections or additions.
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
some good news
Thanks for the help I might have heat back today I hope. I will blast them with fresh water wd 40 as much as I can and get them in the house. The good news is the water did not get to the tach and speedos. I had the 79 on the porch working on a carb rebuild before on I left on a lift. It looks it only got a foot on the bike . All the carpets are out so I have good plywood wood floors to work on just need to get them dried. I am thinking the starters will need to come out first and see if I can take them apart and dry out. I had just picked up another 81 before I left in addition to the other one. We will see how today goes Thanks for the help.82 XJ1100J
81 Venturer
Newly acquired Aches N Pains collection
Sounds like they're going to be like presents. You can shake 'em and guess all you want, but you're just going to have to open them up to find out what's inside.
Here's to hoping for good presents, not those dang dirty santa gifts.Try your hardest to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are.
You can live to be 100, as long as you give up everything that would make you want to live to be 100!
Current bikes:
'06 Suzuki DR650
*'82 XJ1100 with the 1179 kit. "Mad Maxim"
'82 XJ1100 Completely stock fixer-upper
'82 XJ1100 Bagger fixer-upper
'82 XJ1100 Motor/frame and lots of boxes of parts
'82 XJ1100 Parts bike
'81 XS1100 Special
'81 YZ250
'80 XS850 Special
'80 XR100
*Crashed/Totalled, still own
Like other have said the primary threat is sea water in the engine, trans, and final drive. I know you have a lot to deal with so as quick things to prevent more damage I'd drain them of all oils and see what you find in there. Pull the plugs crank the bike over make sure cylinders are clear of water spray some PB Blaster in there. Take the exaust loose dump the water out. If there was sea water with the oil you may want to put some cheap light weight oil in with some motor flush let that soak a day or two and drain them. Draining the oils flushing out things spraying off the outside and then spraying metal with some spray lubricant are basic things to help stop damage and allow you to focus on other things. With all you are dealling with you have to set priorties and if it was me I'd do these things forget the bikes for the moment and focus on other things. When you do go back to looking at the bikes later do not forget to pull the wheel bearings clean and check them. We all hope things get better soon.To fix the problem one should not make more assumptions than the minimum needed.
1980 G Silverbird
Original Yamaha Fairfing and Bags
1198 Overbore kit
Grizzly 660 ACCT
Barnett Clutch Springs
R1 Clutch Fiber Plates
122.5 Main Jets
Mac 4-2 Flare Tips
Antivibe Bar ends
Rear trunk add-on
Keep us updated with your progress. I'm sure most of us will be willing to offer up whatever we can to help with replacement parts and such. (or at least help search for inexpensive ones)Hi, my name is George & I'm a twisty addict!
80G (Green paint(PO idea))
The Green Monster
K&N A/F, TC's fuse block, '81 oil cooler, TC's homemade 4-2 w/Mac Mufflers, Raptor 660 ACCT
Got him in '04.
bald tire & borrowing parts
80SG (Black w/red emblems & calipers)
K&N A/F, TC's fuse block, WJ5, Shoei bags, Raptor 660 ACCT.
Got her in '11
Ready for the twisties!
81H (previously CPMaynard's)
Full Venturer, Indigo Blue with B/W painted tank.
Cold weather ride
being a NJ ex-pat I am sorry to hear of your misfortunes...Most of what I loved about NJ has been destroyed but like New Yorkers New Jerseyans are tough and will come back stronger than ever. I have faith that you too will do likewise...1980 XS650G Special-Two
1993 Honda ST1100
Power back on last night
I finally got power water and heat back on late last night. I have been unable to even start anything with so much clean up and work and no power or water. I am also working 12 on 12 off storm recovery North of here I have it good compared to others they wont have power water or homes for years if ever. The barrier islands are destroyed and he people can only come on during the day.who live here to collect belongings or if they still have a house clean it out We have it locked down tight. I have a few electrical shorts in the house now to do my back wall is blown out 6 inches at the sliding door and we had another minor storm with snow come through this week. I will find some time this weekend to see if I can save at least one I plan to get the fluids out and dry them up. I am going to start with my best bike if I can save it I am one ahead. I am aftaid I can't get them all one would be a plus. Thank you to all for all the great advise all the comments were very helpful. I will keep you posted Todays plan remove batteries drain fuel drain fluids wash bikes remove plugs thinking compressed air in the cyls load everything with wd40 and light oil and begin carb rebuild I think I have to get the starters out are they hard to take out? I never did one. I still have a ton of house and yard work to start begin I hope to save at least one If not I will hunt for another and have tons of parts. I went from a war zone to a war zone. I am 52 and getting a little too old for this. I will keep you posted
Thanks82 XJ1100J
81 Venturer
Newly acquired Aches N Pains collection
Glad to hear you got power back, terrible situation for so many others and red tape and lack of inspectors seem to be a big factor as well. I feel for the people that lost so much and trying to just salvage whats left of their lives.
I really hope you get at least one running and I think your quick actions will really help. I wish you and all the people out there a speedy recovery.
Hopefully the help will come and help ease things. Take care.81 H
Sorry to hear that...
Use silicone spray, not wd40, where you can. Wd40 is aggressive on rubber parts.
If the bikes just went for a bit of a swim, it shouldnt take much to get them roadworthy... some TLC may be required tho.
Good luck!If it doesn't have an engine, it's not a sport, it's only a game.
(stole that one from I-dont-know-who)
Just be careful using WD40, the solvents in it will break down the lubrication properties of you engine/gear oil. I would suggest you use it sparingly in your cylinders before you drain and replace your oil. If you use it in your cylinders I would recommend you add a few cc's of motor oil to each cylinder in a day or two to provide lubrication.'79 XS11 F
Stock except K&N
'79 XS11 SF
Stock, no title.
'84 Chevy K-10 "Big Blue"
GM 350, Muncie SM465, NP208, GM 10 Bolt with 3.42gears turnin 31x10.5 Baja Claws
"What they do have is an implacable, unrelenting presence and movement that bespeaks massive power lurking behind paint and chrome. They don't wail like a screeching ninja, the don't rumble like a harley. They just growl like a spactic, stressed out badger waiting to rip your face off and eat your soul." Trainzz~RIP~
Just a thought.I wonder if you filled the crankcase with metal rescue for a day and then drained it, then fill full of water and flush it out a couple times, the fill with cheap motor oil and let sit for a while to let the oil creep back in.Maybe that would remove the rust and contamination.Then remove the oil and fill to proper level with fresh oil . You could use the same metal rescue in all you motors and maybe in the final and middle drives.Maybe run the metal resue through a coffee filter between motors.80 SG XS1100
14 Victory Cross Country