Found this on line tonight and owned it 2 hours later. Supposed to be a 79 but I've not confirmed. Runs good, has a pretty clean Kerker and short drag bars. Seems to run lean on the low end but gets pretty aggressive around 3000 rpm, quicker than my XJ. The luggage rack will be for sale and it has a removable sissy bar. Also came with another Kerker head pipe as the muffler was rotted out. Also has a Corbin touring seat which will be for sale shortly. Needs a few repairs, tach bounces, Speedo doesn't work owner thinks its the drive piece as a replacement speedo doesn't work either. Sounds like front brakes have been known to drag so no big deal, pull the calipers and clean em out. Learned a lot on the XJ over the last 2 months but then I'm not new to bikes.
