I got a little work done on the project. Just picked up a corbin seat on ebay for $51 and am going to make it work. I cut out the hump, in the front and hacked up the front of a special seat pan to bolt in. The frame rubbers set right on the frame and it looks like I'll be able to use the corbin's locking seat latch with some work. I'm so sick of stripping the motor that I had to work on another area. I think it's looking good so far, next I'll cut the rear of the frame and mount the back fender in the spot it is in now, or maybe a little higher to mesh with the seat better. I'm looking for a little rectangle shaped brake light and plate holder to go under the fender. Black forks and black motor with silver highlights. I think I'll let the tank the way it is and polish the heck out of it. I have a nice black factory exhaust but I may hack up a mac and see if I can do an odball one of a kind.
