Saskatoon's daytime temperatures have been hitting the 30+ºC level and us poor folks with no A/C have been sweltering sleepless in our beds at night.
So yesterday evening my wife and I went to Canadian Tire and bought a portable air conditioner.
With struggle and sweat we got the thing into our bedroom and up and running at ~10pm, set it to 68ºF and slept in the blessed coolness.
This morning it's mebbe 20ºC and the rain is lashing down my windows.
There's a lesson to be learned here, eh?
So yesterday evening my wife and I went to Canadian Tire and bought a portable air conditioner.
With struggle and sweat we got the thing into our bedroom and up and running at ~10pm, set it to 68ºF and slept in the blessed coolness.
This morning it's mebbe 20ºC and the rain is lashing down my windows.
There's a lesson to be learned here, eh?