2011 Yamaha Super Ténéré: 

Random racing XS11:
Blue XS:
So I think that though the Ténéré is a 2 cyl 1199 It seems oddly familiar...It reminds me of a modern day XS...though it looks like a hybrid of sorts ranging from a sports bike to a dual sport, the mechanics such as the driveshaft, and the sitting position controls etc. are much like the xs1100 and another interesting thing is going off the principle that all prices double every 20 years you could figure out that the bike would sell brand new for about the same price as this Ténéré...and the last picture i posted on here has a striking resemblance to me of the Ténéré, much like any other XS with a front fairing...Absolutely brilliant I SAY! we should all start a protest for Yamaha to bring back the XS...they could call it the XS11 NewGen if they were to do it...

Random racing XS11:

Blue XS:

So I think that though the Ténéré is a 2 cyl 1199 It seems oddly familiar...It reminds me of a modern day XS...though it looks like a hybrid of sorts ranging from a sports bike to a dual sport, the mechanics such as the driveshaft, and the sitting position controls etc. are much like the xs1100 and another interesting thing is going off the principle that all prices double every 20 years you could figure out that the bike would sell brand new for about the same price as this Ténéré...and the last picture i posted on here has a striking resemblance to me of the Ténéré, much like any other XS with a front fairing...Absolutely brilliant I SAY! we should all start a protest for Yamaha to bring back the XS...they could call it the XS11 NewGen if they were to do it...