I was riding through CNY the other day and enjoying the fall foliage. I was flipping up my visor in the small villages along the way, and was lax in putting it back down coming out of Little Falls, NY. A hornet/yellowjacket/wasp variant chose to join me inside my Shoei, then decided he didn't like the accomodations. He demonstrated his displeasure by stinging me repeatedly on my left temple, and I reciprocated, albeit a little too slowly, by smearing his insectoid flesh against the side of my head. Hornet guts do not make an effective balm for hornet stings. Inspired by this unpleasantry, I will be amusing myself next summer by slaughtering all hornets on my property, including women and children. (No threat of any kind should be inferred regarding females and offspring of any other species, especially human!) Have a nice day.
