I managed to finally find a bike that suits my needs and wants. It has 13K miles and was cheap! It has new tires, no fairings, lots of power, and will make and excellent street fighter. So against my better judgement, I purchase it:
1998 VTR1000 Super Hawk
I have a lot of plans for this bike as well, but I don't expect that will break anyone's heart here. It will remain naked as all my bikes do, but may get regeared for more midrange, instead of the (by the clock) 148 mph top end. It has had some good work done for engine mods, and I was provided with the dyno sheets for it to boot. It makes just at 100 hp now at this altitude, and handles much better than the XS11. Now I have two cool bikes!
1998 VTR1000 Super Hawk
I have a lot of plans for this bike as well, but I don't expect that will break anyone's heart here. It will remain naked as all my bikes do, but may get regeared for more midrange, instead of the (by the clock) 148 mph top end. It has had some good work done for engine mods, and I was provided with the dyno sheets for it to boot. It makes just at 100 hp now at this altitude, and handles much better than the XS11. Now I have two cool bikes!