Methinks you are simply bragging....
With this question! Letting us know in a subtle manner that you scored a 6.3 gallon tank 
My mileage sucks on Great Ranger (it lives in San Antonio) - I fill up at 100 miles. On Rising Sun (it lives in San Diego) I never checked but also fill up after about 100 miles but its all around town riding in San Diego and the STD has a slightly bigger tank so it isn't a big deal like back in Texas where things are farther apart. Maybe if I get to do the SoCal Rally in June I can give it a test.
John in San Antonio
Originally posted by garthxs
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My mileage sucks on Great Ranger (it lives in San Antonio) - I fill up at 100 miles. On Rising Sun (it lives in San Diego) I never checked but also fill up after about 100 miles but its all around town riding in San Diego and the STD has a slightly bigger tank so it isn't a big deal like back in Texas where things are farther apart. Maybe if I get to do the SoCal Rally in June I can give it a test.
John in San Antonio