I finally got to sit down and work on my website a bit. I would like the opinions of whoever decides to take a look at it in regards to the layout, the general look and any other suggestions you may have. It is mainly to see if everything works across multiple platforms and browsers and this is the easiest way to test. http://www.kevinisageek.com
Things that I do know already:
If you notice anything or want to suggest any changes, you can post them here or PM me. Make sure to let me know what OS/browser combo you are using. I know everyone has different tastes, but I want to have the layout and general look to be appealing. It will likely have a very small audience, but that isn't what matters.
Oh yes, It isn't finished yet. I hate writing and therefore the content seem abrupt. I do plan on adding more eventually.
Things that I do know already:
- IE6 on XP (and likely other OS) doesn't seem to support image transparency, therefor the banner background comes up as white
- Banner looks to be off to the left further than it should. That is becasue I haven't finished the banner yet.
If you notice anything or want to suggest any changes, you can post them here or PM me. Make sure to let me know what OS/browser combo you are using. I know everyone has different tastes, but I want to have the layout and general look to be appealing. It will likely have a very small audience, but that isn't what matters.
Oh yes, It isn't finished yet. I hate writing and therefore the content seem abrupt. I do plan on adding more eventually.