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Yeah, but MAN... is it easier just working one trigger finger versus your whole body! lol. Have you fought lately? It was great when I was younger.. but holy crap! Even when you win.. you feel like you lost... for days! lol. And personally, I'd never want to have to be THAT close to an attacker if possible. Maybe better to train for a marathon so you can just run away?
Actually, I was operating a school under my grandmaster until July when I retired due to extensive traveling for my job. So, yes, I have fought alot lately. I actually think I got beat up worse holding targets for the students then when I put the gear on and fight. But then the only person to beat me in a tournament consistantly was my training partner. He went to nationals three years running and won every time.
But yes, if you fight you will get hit and it will hurt, sometimes for days. Worse was when I got kicked in the adams apple, that really hurt for a while.
But as you say.. to each his/her own. I'm glad we have choices.
Amen, the right to choose is a good thing.
Life is what happens while your planning everything else!
When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.
81 XS1100 Special - Humpty Dumpty
80 XS1100 Special - Project Resurrection
Previously owned
93 GSX600F
80 XS1100 Special - Ruby
81 XS1100 Special
81 CB750 C
80 CB750 C
78 XS750
Ha Ha Good shot Larry. Just where i want to go to ask legal questions. As to taking martial arts classes, i have a hard enough time kicking the dog. Really physicaly i am not in any kind of shape to do that.
I've been wanting to do a trip like this for a while, and have been slowly putting info together. I'm a ways from it, but here's what I found out about taking a pistol: it is going to be tough to do, if you want to remain within the realm of the law.
Each state has their own set of rules for carrying a handgun. Just because you might be allowed to carry (via Concealed Pistol License) in one state, doesn't mean that another state will acknowledge your CPL. I was told by the sheriff's dept. that I would have to check with each and every state that I would be traveling through to see if they would recognize a Michigan CPL. They call it reciprocity. Here's what Michigan says about it: http://www.michigan.gov/msp/0,1607,7...0957--,00.html
Hope this helps some. Happy Thanksgiving.
-Do what makes you happy.
'79 Honda CB 750 K (2)
'78 XS 11 E - "Rhona"
...and a 2nd E, for the goodies on it.
Thanks for taking my post kindly as it was intended to be. As far as that actual bar, I've been in there a few times and had no adverse incidents. The answers in that bar would vary from "Don't ask cause I won't tell you." to the "Check with the official Arizona Revised Statutes." I actually lived in Arizona for quite a few years where the "laws" and the "rules" are that you can carry a gun openly. (Open carry state...)
Even in that open carry state where according to the rules one can do so legally, the practice wasn't well received universally. I mean behaviorally the other people didn't respond well to some situations where some were within the state law and their constitutional rights. (Translation: "Get outta here if you're gonna wear that thing or we're gonna call the cops and make you leave.") Point is that there's a lot of places where what you can do within your legal rights is pooched by people who've found a way to make it difficult for anyone who does so..
I myself went through the same sort of thought processes as you are doing when I took my bike trip. My decision was to not carry a gun. Not because I was too lazy to check in with every state's laws/rules but rather because I recognized the skunk in the proverbial woodpile. By that I mean yeah, it's my constitutional right to bear arms but the individual states have set their up their own hoops to jump through and the penalties for not complying. It is IMHO a red tape nightmare which may not have been deliberately designed to do so, but now effectively makes it so difficult to travel between states with a gun and comply with all the individual restrictions that only people who's job requires them to carry a gun and go through all of this actually do so. (Whewh!!)
The rest of us civilians can live in a state where we can abide by the local rules. One state where we can stay within the borders. Stepping across the state line(s) repeatedly in a cross country trip while carrying a gun and truly abiding by the rules made by those who don't carry personal protection is a challenge that no one I know has done.
That was my thought process and so I took no gun with me on my trip. I did however carry a small canister of Pepper Spray on my key chain. YMMV..
Not to stir the pot of testosterone and put this thread in the hot buttons area, but I recommend taking a martial arts class instead. No one can question or harrass me for having my arms, legs, hands, and feet. JMHO
Getting proficient in time isn't likely to happen. Besides, even with proficiency, I don't care what color your belt is, .45 wins out every time unless Lady Luck really likes you and intervenes on your behalf.
Carrying interstate is definitely a red-tape nightmare. You could cut through it all though- not to mention a considerable amount of traffic- if perhaps you just mount a mini-gun on your tank :P
1978 XS1100
"Of all the adversaries I have faced, I was the worst."
You ever get up in the morning thinking that the day is going to be great? Well i did this morning. I was going to work on the bike, and possibly fire it back up today. My long trip got cancelled. My wife and kids don't think i should be doing this alone. I know, i know, why would i be concerned about this, right? Well, i have sleep apnea, have had a triple bypass, two heart attacks, and they think i might have problems. I might, but i would have those problems with someone else along. If this old ticker is going to go tits up, it really doesn't matter where i am. I have to keep some peace in the family so i have decided to shorten my trip to our local runs. Plus i have to go to Disneyland the end of June. I also would love to make a ride to Crater Lake this summer, but that is conditional on going with others, so i don't know. Most people can't just take a week and go riding when they want. I am kinda bummed right now, but when the weather warms up, so will my attitude. Just getting the bike all fixed will be great. If this was 25 years ago, i would just go, and not look back. Maybe even quit my job to do it.
Hey Newbe, we all have our hoops to jump through or walk around. I wish you the best of luck. A 6000 mile trip - in my humble opinion I would do some shorter trips to establish what your particular comfort level is. I made several trips extending the distance each time and made adjustments in my gear. It also built my and my families confidence in what I could and couldn't do. My trip last year was a little over 3500 miles. I am 59, fat and ugly yet it was a great ride. I plan to do it again next summer perhaps stretching it some more. I carried camping gear so I could stop anytime this old body needed. I pulled into many more rest stops then I thought I would, but I had nothing to prove and it made for an enjoyable trip.
1978 XS1100E - The TimeMachine
1980 XS850 Special - Little Mo
Newbie, any long ride across state lines and the 'grey' areas, accountability involved carry pepper spray on you, in your jacket ehatever. As a shooter, NRA member, hunter, reloader and anything else associated with guns this is your best bet, trust me on this. Never wanna pull a gun out uless you intend to pull the trigger........big decision there and one you don't want to regret. Pepper spray will NEVER get you in legal trouble in a defense situation as it has a red dye for proof and will give you the upper hand IMMEDIATELY. Bro-inlaw is a consealed carry instructor in S.L. Utah and I also know most of states concealed carry laws. For your interest, just google states gun laws and carry laws. They are NOT gospel, but will give you a general idea to keep you out of trouble traveling. Going to Cali rally this summer carried pepper spray in my zippered arm pocket on my armared jacket. Had a bad experience in 76 in Cali bout time hillside strangler was rampaging and got stopped in San Bernadino Co. driving a 240-Z loaded with X-mas presents and a loaded Ruger Bearcat under seat........unknowingly a bad mistake in Cali as gun and ammo have to be stored seperatley not easily accessable. Trust me, San Bernadino Co. jail in holding for 2hrs. waiting for bail is scarey. All I know officers eyes lit up when I handed him the loaded pistol, telling him careful as it is loaded. Think he knew guns and reconized that one and its value as it was a steel frame Bearcat. Think he was hopin I could'nt get it back.....had it sent to my local sheriff's office and got it back, charges dropped as it was an illegal search being just a traffic violation and didn't have probable cause for the search. But sure messed up holidays waiting for phone call saying charges were dropped, as legally could'nt leave state untill they called. Jerks called on the second of Jan..........was that rotton or what. Swore I'd never enter Cali afer that.....but hey...an XScessive rally got me back there.......pepper spray/mace combo went with me this time....lol. Just for your info, Colo. your vehicle considered just like your home, legal concealed, in open next to you, whatever. Step out, must be visible if on you unless you have a CCP.
81H Venturer1100 "The Bentley" (on steroids) 97 Yamaha YZ250(age reducer) 92 Honda ST1100 "Twisty"(touring rocket) Age is relative to the number of seconds counted 'airing' out an 85ft. table-top.
Last year (this year?? it gets fuzzy...) I took a 7 state trip as a honeymoon for myself and my special. Instead of loading up the bike as a "touring package" and heading down the big slabs in a "gotta get to ________ before nightfall" mindset, I put the bike in the back of my truck. Then I drove on the big slabs to places where I could ride on the really cool roads.
Saved a lot of unnecessary wear and tear on the bike/me. Point is that the way I see it you (I) are still in possession of a functional XS and strategically located near what appear to be some tasty roadways. I mean the goal of my trip was just to get to some decent pavement with good weather.
Now if only we could get the weather in our state to stay a little more agreeable. There's plenty of roads in this state I haven't been on.
Come on Global Warming!!! Gimee another "El Nino"! Anything at all to tweak the Jet stream just enough so we can have more saddle time around here!!!
Newbie..don't worry about just taking shorter trips due to health,short rides add up and if ya look around where ya live I bet you can find good riding no matter where ya go...just take lots of pictures.That's all I do now with about three overniters....and when I get home I have a on my face.
You could cut through it all though- not to mention a considerable amount of traffic- if perhaps you just mount a mini-gun on your tank :P
I think I posted something about this somewhere before.
I think one of these would solve all your problems. ( except your front suspension)
Just get a commecial licence, Then just stop at the port of entry when entering each state and get a permit to haul it across that paticular state.
Traffic-no problem, I can pretty much guarantee EVERYONE will pull over out of your way.
I think you could get answers you wanted at the Bashful Bandit or any other similar establishment. (who's you daddy now?) I don't believe parking would be an issue either.
Mufflers optional.
It was brought to my attention earlier that firing this beauty might get a little expensive. I don't think you would need to fire it. Just point it in someone's general direction would be sufficient I believe.
Oh yea! Don't forget the pickup coils and rear brake pads!
Disclaimer: This post was intended in fun and only fun. It was not directed at any particular person, political group, religion, sex, or race.
No animals were injured or killed in it's presentation.
Good point Greg. I think you may have something there. Larry, i'll still have our run to Foster, and maybe Tillamook, at least. Just going to depend on the time element. To bad my dog can't come with me. I wouldn't need a gun, cause he has an attitude. Only problem is, he doesn't seem to care for anyone in a uniform. Can't get that outa him. I know there will be plenty of riding time this summer, i guess i am just wishing summer could be all year long.