I just want to express my thanks to everyone here.
I stumbled across this site shortly after picking up my XJ. It needed alot of work and I lurked for awhile, read the tech tips, and didn't really do much else. I finally got the nerve up to tackling the first gear fix that was badly needed and then cleaned the carbs. I finally had the thing running right.
I eventually met a couple members in person and started to post a little. Went to my first rally 3 years ago and met even more xsives. I have been truly hooked ever since, to the bikes and this site. The people are great, even if we don't always agree on politics.
It is like having a HUGE extended family. I have seen people go way above and beyond to help someone they have never met. What the guys did for Sailor for example. No one had ever met the guy, but they spent their weekend, time, money, and parts just so the guy could get in one last ride. How awesome is that.
In the past three years I have made some great friends here as well. I thank you all for your friendship. If there is one thing that is that is better than riding in the twisties, it is doing it with great friends. People who have your back, laugh with you, laugh at you, and give you a kick in the butt when you need it. To the Gang, your friendship is appreciated more than I can express.
I stumbled across this site shortly after picking up my XJ. It needed alot of work and I lurked for awhile, read the tech tips, and didn't really do much else. I finally got the nerve up to tackling the first gear fix that was badly needed and then cleaned the carbs. I finally had the thing running right.

I eventually met a couple members in person and started to post a little. Went to my first rally 3 years ago and met even more xsives. I have been truly hooked ever since, to the bikes and this site. The people are great, even if we don't always agree on politics.

In the past three years I have made some great friends here as well. I thank you all for your friendship. If there is one thing that is that is better than riding in the twisties, it is doing it with great friends. People who have your back, laugh with you, laugh at you, and give you a kick in the butt when you need it. To the Gang, your friendship is appreciated more than I can express.