Originally posted by BigDick
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We're havin a rally in Kearney. You guys show up, OK?
There all done...wait I forgot, directions on how to get to Kearney.
Ok, what you got to do is head straight out of town until you hit the hiway. Then when you get to the hiway, just keep on goin that way. After the hiway a ways you'll get to the place where Burt Redman run his combine into the tree one night on account of havin that little redhead and a twelve pack in the cabin with 'im. Now, once you see that tree there on the side, then you'll want to turn. After that, you'll keep headin that way until you come up on another hiway. Now you'll want to turn onto that hiway, but just fer a bit until you see the next dirt road you can get off on. Take that un up until you cant drive no further on it. No it don't dead end, but last rain Ed drove his front wheel assist White up it and left ruts deep enough that little city car just ain't gonna make it. Anyway, you will turn there, and head about 5 or 89 miles on toward Kearney. You can't miss it, seein how they got the Baldwin filter plant there. Oh and don't get caught on Odessa road after dark on a stormy night, you know what they say about that.