Believe it or not, my 1st bike was an XS eleven Special. I purchased my bike from the late and famous Shorty Seaborne in 1986 and rode that bike for almost 15 years until the transmission locked up. Shorty was a flat tracker so he didn't use a clutch and buggered up his transmission pretty bad. It constantly popped out of second, and found mystry neutrals between 3rd and 5th. I managed to nurse it for a long time though 
I purchased a set of gears, shafts and barrels from a local junkyard and split the case. For those of you who don't know, XS's have heavy duty transmissions for a motorcycle, there were missing teeth, bent dogs, one shaft was bent and the shift barrel was both worn and broken. I rode the bike for another 3 years until another mechanical problem forced me to park the bike again...
... then oblivion
5 years ago I tried to revive the bike, my dad and I failed, I gave up, we sold 'er at a swap meet and bought another (different) bike. I've gone through half a dozen bikes in the past 5 years, even totalled a trophy 1200 which is still sitting in my garage.
Yesterday I found a great deal on a bike that touted very low milage, almost unbelievably low, but it looks like maybe she was forgotten, rusted out gas tank, jury-rigged fuel system with a fuel pump, sticky brakes, She needs work but I felt so comfortable riding her home. The bike is a year younger than XSPastor's but looks exactly like it (I'm sorry you had to let 'er go Pastor). Just not as pretty or well taken care of.
I still have my manual, so I'm going to get 'er in shape. This forum has already proved valuable, as most of my questions have been answered by the few postings that exist in the brakes sections. I'm certain it will be that way for most of my needs. You guys have your stuff together and I appreciate it.

I purchased a set of gears, shafts and barrels from a local junkyard and split the case. For those of you who don't know, XS's have heavy duty transmissions for a motorcycle, there were missing teeth, bent dogs, one shaft was bent and the shift barrel was both worn and broken. I rode the bike for another 3 years until another mechanical problem forced me to park the bike again...
... then oblivion
5 years ago I tried to revive the bike, my dad and I failed, I gave up, we sold 'er at a swap meet and bought another (different) bike. I've gone through half a dozen bikes in the past 5 years, even totalled a trophy 1200 which is still sitting in my garage.
Yesterday I found a great deal on a bike that touted very low milage, almost unbelievably low, but it looks like maybe she was forgotten, rusted out gas tank, jury-rigged fuel system with a fuel pump, sticky brakes, She needs work but I felt so comfortable riding her home. The bike is a year younger than XSPastor's but looks exactly like it (I'm sorry you had to let 'er go Pastor). Just not as pretty or well taken care of.
I still have my manual, so I'm going to get 'er in shape. This forum has already proved valuable, as most of my questions have been answered by the few postings that exist in the brakes sections. I'm certain it will be that way for most of my needs. You guys have your stuff together and I appreciate it.