well that kinda narrows it a lot. Leaves me with verizon, u.s. celluar, and I wireless which I think is a sprint underling.
No announcement yet.
cell phone
68 Honda Cl350 (sold)
76 Honda Cb 400 super sport
79 special (skull bike)
79 special (parts bike w/title)
79 special
80 standard full dress (Sat 24 years)
81 special (parts for now trying to get the title)
81 kaw 750 ltd (sold to brother-in-law)
80 650 maxim (fixing for wife)
81 650 maxim
81 Xs 650 special ( No title found in a barn)
88 Zx 600r (Sold)
01 Gz 250
And T-mobile. I use them, and have never had a problem with reception anywhere I've gone. My boss has Sprint, and he also has the problem where it works everywhere EXCEPT his house.1980 XS850SG - Sold
1981 XS1100LH Midnight Special (Sold) - purchased 9/29/08
Fully Vetterized and Dynojet Kit added, Heated Grips, Truck-Lite LED headlight, Accel Coils, Irridium plugs, TKAT Fork Brace, XS850LH Final Drive & Black SS Brake lines from Chacal.
Here's my web page devoted to my bike! XS/XJ User's Manuals there, and the XJ1100 Service Manual and both XS1100 Service manuals (free download!).
Whether you think you can, or you think you cannot - You're right.
-H. Ford
Hey guy's just caught this thread not to loud some of us still have to eat. Me in particular I am presently working for att while the housing market picks up.
Not Really you can continue the conversationAs a rep I have heard it all.
81 xs eleven special
long as he phone is "unlocked" and is a gsm phone your good_____________________________________________ 1979 XS 1100 Special "The judge" mods- K&N air pods, 4-1 mac, 147.5 pilots, 57.5 mains, LED turn signal, cafe bars, HEL translucent yellow stainless steel brake line, dyna coil (dc2-1), raptor 660 mc, r6 controls..(sold)
1982 gs1100e "all business" cafe project
1980 gs1000g "stock"
1982 honda express "stretched 10 inch(my daughters scooter)
2008 jmstar 150cc Chinese scooter ( wife's bike)
You can buy a new phone and use your sim card. You can even use one of your old phones you have laying around and use that. I have done it many times.
I also have the LG Shine with ATT. I hate it.I have little to no signal at home.I can't get a signal in most stores. My son has a sony ericsson phone on my contract and his has great signal except in stores.I have a friend that has an older motorola and he has full bars when he is here and almost everywhere. I think it has a lot to do with the phone but I have tried them all. Nokia seemed to be the best one so far for me. The cheapest Nokia you can get.No fancy features
Whenever I called to complain about the service they say "we are doing our best and service should be getting better soon,as we are erecting new towers ever day".
My wife has Verizon and she has NO Problems ever!! She has had her service for about 8 years and never had a problem anywhere.She has the motorola sliver.Rob
82 XJ1100
Stock..With a few cosmetic changes.
Current Project..Dad's 81 1100 Special
IF you do want to buy another phone, either make sure it is for AT&T or is unlocked for any provider.http://www.myspace.com/i_give_you_power
1980 XS11 Special - chopped, dropped and OCTY is still installed- NOW IT'S FOR SALE! $1,800 OBO
Famous Myspace quote:
"Don't mess with TEXAS! It's not nice to pick on retards."
It's funny because I am from TEXAS!
I started with SW Bell back in the 'car phone' days, and hated them...
Then switched to Sprint and got one of the first 'compact' flip phones...
Stayed with Sprint until about a year ago... Their service just kept getting worse and worse and i was tired of all the dead spots (I'm a trucker... I was sometimes days without service out west...) And longevity as a customer meant absolutely nothing to customer service...
About 3 years ago I had to get another phone for business reasons, and my business partner was already on ATT (he won whatever the bet was to switch me to ATT instead of him switching to Sprint)
After having both for about a year and a half, I went full on with ATT and kicked Sprint to the curb! Haven't looked back since!
As for the phones, the cheaper Nokia the better the signal! I currently have a BlackJack and have been relatively pleased with its reception.
That said (and to answer your Q about changing phones) I keep an old Nokia around incase anything happens to this one (breaks, gets wet, gets run over, etc...)This world needs more Christian, RedNeck, Cowboys!
1981 XS1100 Special for sale! $750!
Originally posted by Gator View PostAs for the phones, the cheaper Nokia the better the signal!http://www.myspace.com/i_give_you_power
1980 XS11 Special - chopped, dropped and OCTY is still installed- NOW IT'S FOR SALE! $1,800 OBO
Famous Myspace quote:
"Don't mess with TEXAS! It's not nice to pick on retards."
It's funny because I am from TEXAS!
I'm looking at a quad band phone right now for 90.00 but i heard that AT&T wont work with quad band phone or is that a tri band phone?1980 XS1100 SG
Inline fuel filters
New wires in old coils-outer spark plugs
160 mph speedometer mod
Kerker Exhaust
xschop K & N air filter setup
Dynojet Recalibration kit
1999 Kawasaki ZRX1100
1997 Jeep Cherokee 4.5"lift installed
ATT Offers quadband phones so I would assume it would work as long as you can insert a sim card.Rob
82 XJ1100
Stock..With a few cosmetic changes.
Current Project..Dad's 81 1100 Special
OK was looking at an LG cookie but just read the reviews and they say the phone has a tendency to lock up-not good1980 XS1100 SG
Inline fuel filters
New wires in old coils-outer spark plugs
160 mph speedometer mod
Kerker Exhaust
xschop K & N air filter setup
Dynojet Recalibration kit
1999 Kawasaki ZRX1100
1997 Jeep Cherokee 4.5"lift installed
I guess If I was to do it again. I would probably go back to the Nokia phone only because it had the best signal. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles but I don't use most of the features anyhow. The LG shine looks good for the first couple weeks until the screen starts to get small scratches on it just from opening and closing it with rough hands. It is VERY hard to see outside in the daylight even brand new. The salesman said his wife had one and the battery lasted forever. NOT!! It may last a couple days IF you don't talk on it. I have had Motorola,Nokia,Samsung,and now LG. I will go back to the Nokia when it's time to upgrade again. For now I will just suffer through till May.
Just my .02Rob
82 XJ1100
Stock..With a few cosmetic changes.
Current Project..Dad's 81 1100 Special
Instructions to reach cell phone bliss:
1. Place current cellular device on work bench
2. Find a heavy, blunt instrument
3. Add 2. to 1. in any manner you choose
4. Always read the directions COMPLETELY before beginning
5. Complain to customer service about your service until they let you out of your contract without charge
6. Go to your nearest Verizon store or online reatailer if you prefer
7. Ensure you have insurance on your phone before 3.
8. 5. before 1.
I've had Verizon for about 8 years now, except for a one year or so stint that I tried Cingular - they had a phone that I liked. Dear Lord baby Jesus forgive me for that one misgiving. I cancelled that Cingular plan after nothing buy horrible service and dropped calls.
I live in NW Indiana and Verizon has the best coverage here. I've also been in the middle of Dale Hollow Lake in Tennessee and had service when no one else in our party of 8-10 people did.79 XS1100 Special - slowing breathing life back into it...
FWIW my wife jsut picked one up in an ebay store, [can't remember the name but it came from texas]. poke around.....you'll find it. good phone, $21.00 plus shippin $3.00.
with all the phones for sale on the web now....no one should ever continue a contract with those bloodsuckers.
redbonetesting 1-2-3
1980 1100 mns
I have Verizon, and a sim card in my phone! I DO have a "world phone" from them, so you should be able to put almost any phone on any service now. I agree, the cheap phones are better! I've had my phone for almost three years, and I'm NOT going to "upgrade"! I don't need a camera, and I don't text while driving.It's a telephone, you talk on it! Everything they try to add is just something else to break, IMHO. And yea, I DID work for a company that sold test equipment to phone companies, so I am familiar with most of them.
As far as the company, it depends on where you live, and what part of the county or world you go to. T-mobile works well in large metro areas, but in the west Verizon seems to work well, although I do have a friend who cannot use the cell phone in the front part of his house!Ray Matteis
XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!