I have an At &T cell phone contract that doesn't expire until Nov 2010.The phone is crap(LG Shine) and cant upgrade until January.My question is this -can i buy a phone without a contract and put the SIM card in it?Like on Amazon or E-bay?
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cell phone
Here in Canada we can . They don't care what phone you use they just want your money for the air time. Trapping you into a long term contract sucks they do the same here but when your contract is coming to a end they are like you best friend haha!BDF Special
80SG Vetter bagger 1196 Wiseco big bore kit, Mega Cycle Cams, slotted cam gears, ported and flowed head, bronze intake seats, Dyno Jet kit, Dyno coils and Mikes XS air pods, Venture cam chain adjuster,Geezer's regulator, Clutch mod, Mac 4 into 1 with custom built and tuned baffle, Oil cooler,MikesXS emulators mod.
Dyno tuned to 98 hp at the rear wheel.
I have been with AT&T for years and yes you can put in you SIMS card. If you are interested I have a good phone that I really did not like I am not the I phone type. It is called a I9 by CECT. Touch screen, MP3, Video check it out online.Eric (South of Greensboro, NC)
82 XJ1100 "Echos" Mostly Stock
Matthew 4:19 "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men"
The only restrictions on upgrading phones before the contract is up is related to the discount that you can get from the carrier. You can buy a new phone any time and swap the sim card. You just don't get the discount from the carrier.1980 XS850SG - Sold
1981 XS1100LH Midnight Special (Sold) - purchased 9/29/08
Fully Vetterized and Dynojet Kit added, Heated Grips, Truck-Lite LED headlight, Accel Coils, Irridium plugs, TKAT Fork Brace, XS850LH Final Drive & Black SS Brake lines from Chacal.
Here's my web page devoted to my bike! XS/XJ User's Manuals there, and the XJ1100 Service Manual and both XS1100 Service manuals (free download!).
Whether you think you can, or you think you cannot - You're right.
-H. Ford
I have an ATT Samsung phone...but I hated the ATT network every time I went more than 100 miles from home I could not hear on the phone. I use a hearing aid and the phone would sound like an old land line dial tone when I had a connection and was trying to speak with someone plus all the buzzing and crackling noises made it impossible for me to carry on a conversation...I had just about one year left on the contract but I cancelled it anyway and ahd to pay $125 termination fee to get out of itBastards... Now I have Verizon and its just fine.
1980 XS650G Special-Two
1993 Honda ST1100
The 20 somethings at work swap sims all the time.
You have to have a phone that uses the sim card, Sprint and Verizon are CDMA carriers that use the ESN method, and have no sim card. So you kinda have to watch what you get.
I have bought several phones off Ebay. You just have to ask questions about the phone and make sure it is guaranteed to activate, and they have a return policy for non working phones. I haven't been burned yet... yet.Ich habe dich nicht gefragt.
I went to the store and asked them can i upgrade early.AT&T says you can but they will extend the contract also at that time so if i get a phone in like say September they will add the 5 months on my contract that expires in November 2010.1980 XS1100 SG
Inline fuel filters
New wires in old coils-outer spark plugs
160 mph speedometer mod
Kerker Exhaust
xschop K & N air filter setup
Dynojet Recalibration kit
1999 Kawasaki ZRX1100
1997 Jeep Cherokee 4.5"lift installed
Ask your friends if they have a phone that works that they will give you. If you saved all your contacts on the sim card then any phone you put it in will have it all.For those who faught for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never taste.
Unknown deffender of Khe Sahn
Originally posted by oldyam80sg View PostI went to the store and asked them can i upgrade early.AT&T says you can but they will extend the contract also at that time so if i get a phone in like say September they will add the 5 months on my contract that expires in November 2010.1980 XS650G Special-Two
1993 Honda ST1100
They all got ya one way or another. I had completed my contract agreement with Sprint some years ago then had them change my evening free time from 9 to 7pm (for a monthly fee). They added a year to my contract without telling me and I couldn't get out of it. It cost me a bundle to cancle when I moved to an area they didn't service. I will never forget that and they will never sell me anything again.
Deny1978 XS1100E - The TimeMachine
1980 XS850 Special - Little Mo
I have sprint, and their service works everywhere in the USA, except MY HOUSE.
Annoying, but that's why I have a land line. Other than that, they have been very generous with phone replacements and such. My wife had a Lotus that wouldn't charge, and they replaced it over 5 times. Finally figured out their firmware upgrade caused the phone to not charge. They traded her an Exclaim, and she is happy now.
If they would ever make their everything plan a reasonable cost, I would love that. I have everything pieced together, notthe "everything" plan, on two phones and don't have data on my daughter's, which runs us about $150 a month. To upgrade to the everything plan on all phones (can't do just one) it would be almost double.
Sprint has been good and bad to me, and they are the only carrier I have tried, so my view may be limited.Ich habe dich nicht gefragt.
Originally posted by Ivan View PostI have sprint, and their service works everywhere in the USA, except MY HOUSE.
Annoying, but that's why I have a land line. Other than that, they have been very generous with phone replacements and such. My wife had a Lotus that wouldn't charge, and they replaced it over 5 times. Finally figured out their firmware upgrade caused the phone to not charge. They traded her an Exclaim, and she is happy now.
If they would ever make their everything plan a reasonable cost, I would love that. I have everything pieced together, notthe "everything" plan, on two phones and don't have data on my daughter's, which runs us about $150 a month. To upgrade to the everything plan on all phones (can't do just one) it would be almost double.
Sprint has been good and bad to me, and they are the only carrier I have tried, so my view may be limited.
I am happy with my service.
Deny1978 XS1100E - The TimeMachine
1980 XS850 Special - Little Mo
Originally posted by DenyP View PostI live in the sticks. For quite some time only one company worked in this area and at that not verry well. AT&T bought them out and have improved the signal to where I get calls in my house now. Use to be we had to stand on the front deck, point at the north star with one leg lifted and fingers and toes crossed to get a bar.
I am happy with my service.
DenyIch habe dich nicht gefragt.
LOL here in my area of IL. Sprint doesn't work unless your within 12 miles of the interstate. My old house use to be 13 miles. I too had to stand on the front porch and twist my body in all sorts of weird shapes to get signal. I have verison but as Ivan said their is no sims cards. Might be switching as soon as the last line is out of contract. Not sure which carrier I'll go with.68 Honda Cl350 (sold)
76 Honda Cb 400 super sport
79 special (skull bike)
79 special (parts bike w/title)
79 special
80 standard full dress (Sat 24 years)
81 special (parts for now trying to get the title)
81 kaw 750 ltd (sold to brother-in-law)
80 650 maxim (fixing for wife)
81 650 maxim
81 Xs 650 special ( No title found in a barn)
88 Zx 600r (Sold)
01 Gz 250
Originally posted by exquized1 View PostLOL here in my area of IL. Sprint doesn't work unless your within 12 miles of the interstate. My old house use to be 13 miles. I too had to stand on the front porch and twist my body in all sorts of weird shapes to get signal. I have verison but as Ivan said their is no sims cards. Might be switching as soon as the last line is out of contract. Not sure which carrier I'll go with.