Took the bike out other day nice 65 sunny perfect weather here it is now official Tourist season i was takikng a quick ride up past Mt Rushmore and then hitting then canyons i am always aware of teh Motorhomes and busses but even this guy suprised me, i was making a left turn at alight across the rd all traffic was stopped as i started my turn and got halfway into other lane a Motorhome with a car in tow came acroos from the rt lane and went as far as he could across 3 lanes to the left he side swipped a car and i was on the side walk to avoid him.
And all the time i wa son the horn and he was looking rt at me with Direct eye contact!!!!!!! Just remeber pretend everyone nis Blind or drunk and never let your Guard down. there i feel better already. Stay safe.
And all the time i wa son the horn and he was looking rt at me with Direct eye contact!!!!!!! Just remeber pretend everyone nis Blind or drunk and never let your Guard down. there i feel better already. Stay safe.