Let me be the first to recommend this movie to everyone here on Channel 11 !
I'm an old Star Trek fan from way back. I'll admit that although I was old enough to have seen the original series in it's original airing, I didn't!
But I was with it during it's airings just a few years later.
I've seen some of the other series sequels....The Next Generation being about the only other one that I really liked or got into. They could have deep sixed DEEP SPACE NINE for all I cared. Voyager was a modest fun voyage, and Star Trek Enterprise with the spineless Scott Bakula was a big dissappointment!
SO....I had my doubts when I first heard that they were remaking the Star Trek franchise with new actors playing the classic character roles of the Original. But then I caught the trailers/previews, and was rather intrigued! I hadn't been paying much attention to it these past few months, so I was surprised to see that it was having it's debut this weekend.
Swmbo and the other women in my household aren't really into it, so my nephew and I had a guy's afternoon out today, and went to see it.
The reviews are right on, in that it's well paced, well written, has a few interesting plot twists in how it varies from the Original series storyline, but it's an acceptable alternative. It's 2 hours long, but doesn't feel like at. It was fun seeing how they fleshed out the characters, revealing them and their interactions and how they came to know each other and such. Depending on what you may have read in the papers and such, I don't want to give out any spoilers, but having know the storyline and episodes from the original series actually enhanced the enjoyment of the storyline in this movie.
SO...I highly recommend this movie to any and all Trekkies, and unless you are a total PURIST, I can guarantee you will enjoy this adventure.
Here's a screen shot of the techie spokeless motorcycle that the young but now adult James T. Kirk rides for just brief moment in the movie on Earth!! The image isn't as clear as it could be, I had to enlarge it to 200% to show the details a little better. IT looks like a real bike, not some CG stuff, because I remember seeing an episode of one of the bike/chopper build offs, and I can't remember him, but one of the builders designed one with the same spokeless wheel/rim technology!!
I'm an old Star Trek fan from way back. I'll admit that although I was old enough to have seen the original series in it's original airing, I didn't!

I've seen some of the other series sequels....The Next Generation being about the only other one that I really liked or got into. They could have deep sixed DEEP SPACE NINE for all I cared. Voyager was a modest fun voyage, and Star Trek Enterprise with the spineless Scott Bakula was a big dissappointment!
SO....I had my doubts when I first heard that they were remaking the Star Trek franchise with new actors playing the classic character roles of the Original. But then I caught the trailers/previews, and was rather intrigued! I hadn't been paying much attention to it these past few months, so I was surprised to see that it was having it's debut this weekend.
Swmbo and the other women in my household aren't really into it, so my nephew and I had a guy's afternoon out today, and went to see it.
The reviews are right on, in that it's well paced, well written, has a few interesting plot twists in how it varies from the Original series storyline, but it's an acceptable alternative. It's 2 hours long, but doesn't feel like at. It was fun seeing how they fleshed out the characters, revealing them and their interactions and how they came to know each other and such. Depending on what you may have read in the papers and such, I don't want to give out any spoilers, but having know the storyline and episodes from the original series actually enhanced the enjoyment of the storyline in this movie.
SO...I highly recommend this movie to any and all Trekkies, and unless you are a total PURIST, I can guarantee you will enjoy this adventure.
Here's a screen shot of the techie spokeless motorcycle that the young but now adult James T. Kirk rides for just brief moment in the movie on Earth!! The image isn't as clear as it could be, I had to enlarge it to 200% to show the details a little better. IT looks like a real bike, not some CG stuff, because I remember seeing an episode of one of the bike/chopper build offs, and I can't remember him, but one of the builders designed one with the same spokeless wheel/rim technology!!
