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Happy B'day Wildkat!

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  • #46
    Happy birthday Kat, you know the next part. I'm later than most,
    79 XS11 Special (Lazarus)
    80 XS850 Special (Old Faithful)
    80 XS11 Standard sorta stock (Beatrice)
    79 DT 100


    • #47
      So, you had another birthday. The arduous struggle with youth has come to an abrupt end with the mere tick of the clock. The trials and tribulations endured as a younger person have ceased with this dubious event. The perpetual climb to reach the crest of the mountain has finally ended. Before you is a precipice, poised on the summit of the very mountain you struggled all these years to climb to the crest of, it now presents you with a gravity powered ride fraught with new obstacles. Brakes are not an option on this ride. Gravity will take over on this downhill sprint. It will affect your waistline, your chin, your pecs and your biceps. Motrin and Tylenol is now a staple of your diet, as is Maalox. The blender is no longer a nifty accessory for your bar but deftly moved to the kitchen, relegated to providing tasteless slurries of sustenance. Riding lawnmowers will no longer be looked with distain, but with a sorted botanical envy as you visualize yourself being able to mow the lawn and sit at the same time. Soon, that cup in the bathroom will hold more than the now useless toothbrushes or loose change. The grab handle in the shower that you never gave a thought to will now become your best friend, as will those flower shaped traction stickies you passed up at Lowes so many times. As the need diminishes, your hair brush will languish in neglect in the bathroom drawer. Any episodes of Jay Leno will have be viewed via DVR unless he starts coming on before 8PM. Your kidneys can no longer outlast your gas tank on road trips. Your idea of an all nighter is only getting up once to go to the bathroom. Downing a six pack will now refer to some sort of fudge flavored dietary supplement. Doing shots will be done by a licensed physician and most likely involve one or more body parts that have ceased to function correctly. But on the bright side, you will see a marked decrease in life insurance offers in the mail. You’re on the ragged edge of qualifying for senior discounts at a plethora of business establishments. You will rarely get asked to help anyone move. And with the right look in your now clouding eyes, get away with a whole bunch of stuff that would have gotten you in trouble, ticketed, fined or arrested just a few short years ago.

      Happy Birthday
      When a 10 isn't enough, get a 11. 80g Hardbagger


      • #48
        Originally posted by webbcraft2150 View Post
        So, you had another birthday. The arduous struggle with youth has come to an abrupt end with the mere tick of the clock. The trials and tribulations endured as a younger person have ceased with this dubious event. The perpetual climb to reach the crest of the mountain has finally ended. Before you is a precipice, poised on the summit of the very mountain you struggled all these years to climb to the crest of, it now presents you with a gravity powered ride fraught with new obstacles. Brakes are not an option on this ride. Gravity will take over on this downhill sprint. It will affect your waistline, your chin, your pecs and your biceps. Motrin and Tylenol is now a staple of your diet, as is Maalox. The blender is no longer a nifty accessory for your bar but deftly moved to the kitchen, relegated to providing tasteless slurries of sustenance. Riding lawnmowers will no longer be looked with distain, but with a sorted botanical envy as you visualize yourself being able to mow the lawn and sit at the same time. Soon, that cup in the bathroom will hold more than the now useless toothbrushes or loose change. The grab handle in the shower that you never gave a thought to will now become your best friend, as will those flower shaped traction stickies you passed up at Lowes so many times. As the need diminishes, your hair brush will languish in neglect in the bathroom drawer. Any episodes of Jay Leno will have be viewed via DVR unless he starts coming on before 8PM. Your kidneys can no longer outlast your gas tank on road trips. Your idea of an all nighter is only getting up once to go to the bathroom. Downing a six pack will now refer to some sort of fudge flavored dietary supplement. Doing shots will be done by a licensed physician and most likely involve one or more body parts that have ceased to function correctly. But on the bright side, you will see a marked decrease in life insurance offers in the mail. You’re on the ragged edge of qualifying for senior discounts at a plethora of business establishments. You will rarely get asked to help anyone move. And with the right look in your now clouding eyes, get away with a whole bunch of stuff that would have gotten you in trouble, ticketed, fined or arrested just a few short years ago.

        Happy Birthday

        OH! and happy birthday from me too.
        '82 XJ1100 (In progress...)


        • #49
          Awe... Spiderman... thank you...

          it's nice to see that at your age you still have your wits about you... If you would please gather them up... they're making a mess...

          It's also nice to have the Geriatric Guideline to go by as I watch my youth slowly fading away... However, there is a bright spot... I can watch others go there before me... A checklist of sorts... now, while I haven't seen enough years to check many of these off... please feel free to add to this list as you live through it...
          You did write this list from personal experience... yes?

          And with the right look in your now clouding eyes, get away with a whole bunch of stuff that would have gotten you in trouble, ticketed, fined or arrested just a few short years ago.
          I'll REALLY be glad when I get to this stage... it's getting expensive...

          Thanks again for the well wishes (ahem... even you Spiderman)

          This will definitely be one to remember... until I can't anymore...
          Last edited by Wildkat; 03-28-2009, 05:04 AM.
          81 SH Something Special
          81 frame, 80 tank and side covers, 79 tail light and carbs, 78 engine, 750 final drive mod, Geezer rec/reg, 140 mains, LH wheels

          79 SF MEAUQABEAUXS
          81SH Nor'eas tah (Old Red)
          80 LG Black Magic
          78 E Standard Practice

          James 3:17

          If I can make at least one person smile, or pee their pants a little, or maybe spit out their drink; then my day is not wasted.

          “Alis Volat Propriis”

          Yamaha XS 1100 Classic
          For those on FB

