we don't have the ticket cameras, but we have speed limit signs that have radar on them and a big digital display that will read out your speed to you, then flash "Slow Down" if you are going too fast. These, along with the 85 mph speedometers and the concern for safety have convinced me not to exceed the speed limit by more than 200mph. Now that they have sound activated cameras, my dreams of breaking the sound barrier are totally thwarted.
FWIW, with a few microwave parts and a search on the internet, one can make an HREF gun, which basically is a directional EM pulse that will fry electronics. I attempted to make one, and it did a great job on a circuit breaker in my garage. Also, the lead BVDs chaffed. It would be neat though to have a device that could hook up to a radar detector and fire an EM pulse back at the source and cause it to loose its magic smoke.
FWIW, with a few microwave parts and a search on the internet, one can make an HREF gun, which basically is a directional EM pulse that will fry electronics. I attempted to make one, and it did a great job on a circuit breaker in my garage. Also, the lead BVDs chaffed. It would be neat though to have a device that could hook up to a radar detector and fire an EM pulse back at the source and cause it to loose its magic smoke.
