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  • #16
    That had to hurt. Broken ribs are a real pain. I try to ride in the lane closest to the center as well because we have the same issues here in the mountains. Even in town driving, its not unusuall to see cardboard boxes, 2X4's, shoes, ect right in the middle of the lanes.

    Get well soon Dick.

    You still have planes to fly while you heal?
    1980 XS Eleven Special


    • #17
      Damn,, glad to see your ok, sheet meatal can be replaced, people cant, hope you have a speedy recovery.
      If you need anything let me know,,
      Last edited by kawa bob; 10-03-2008, 10:11 AM.


      • #18
        Wow Dick, I'm glad to see that you made it in pretty good shape buddy! Hope you don't stop ridin, but understand if you do.
        Get well


        • #19
          Dr. said

          He said I was truly bullet proof. He couldn't believe that a 68 yr old guy could crash like that and live even, let alone still walking around and laughing about it. Feeling lots better now. Still thinking maybe I'll just repair it and sell it. Then again, the pain pills are fun. LOL
          You can't stay young forever, but you can be immature for the rest of your life...

          '78E "Pathfinder" Show bike...
          Lovingly restored by Dave Delzell
          Drilled airbox
          Tkat fork brace
          Hardly mufflers
          late model carbs
          Newer style fuses
          Oil pressure guage
          Custom security system
          Stainless braid brake lines


          • #20
            Glad to hear you are feeling better. If you do decide to let Pathfinder go, make sure 'The Family' gets first cracks. For those of us who were around then, Dave and Pathfinder are still in our memories. Again, I am very glad to hear that you are doing well, bikes can be fixed, people often can't be.
            '81 XS1100 SH

            Melted to the ground during The Valley Fire

            Sep. 12th 2015



            • #21
              I can't come up with any original words to express how I feel at hearing one of our own taking a hit. Take care and don't push your recovery.

              I'm somewhat in the same shoes, one more crash and, I'll probably have to give up riding.

              If you need a good set of fork trees, I have a set here with your name on them.

              Hi my name is Tony and I'm a bikeoholic.

              The old gray biker ain't what he used to be.


              • #22
                WOW, sorry to hear...

                I hope you have a speedy recovery.

                Take your time, bring the Pathfinder back to her glory and she will take care of you, again.

                I know her history!

                Gone but never Forgotten:
                1980 XS11SG - "Scorpion"

                2006 Yamaha FJR1300A - "Orion"
                2007 Honda CBR600RR - "Twitch"

                "Life is not a journey to the grave, with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body; but rather to skid on broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming:

                WOW - What a ride!


                • #23
                  Glad you're better.

                  I got Tramadol for my spill, what did you get for yours?

                  You're right, pain pills are fun.
                  Ich habe dich nicht gefragt.


                  • #24
                    Unfortunately, most (if not all) of us go through something of this nature during our riding lives. Fortunately, most make it and, the majority of those continue to ride on with the memory of their tribulations seemingly fresh in the back of their minds.

                    You're right, the older we get the longer it takes to heal and, even then, the scars linger and the tissue and bone injuries will continue to nag us 'til the end of our days.

                    That being said, I'm glad to hear that you're up and about, sense of humour appears in tact and, your insight and foresight firmly grounded in reality.

                    Hopefully, you'll keep riding well into your golden years, for once riding gets into your blood, it never runs out.

                    What has happened will, in time, be little more than a distant memory, a learning experience. And, if you're anything like me, as long as you can stand up, sit on a bike without falling over (oh, oh, I did that, didn't I ) and remember what it's like to be riding in the open air , I'm sure - I hope - we'll be seeing you back on 'Pathfinder', leading the way , smiling from ear to ear .

                    Heal fast and remember, the XS11 family is here with you, if only in mind and in spirit, wishing you the best for a speedy recovery.
                    1980 XS11 LG (Diablo)
                    1980 XS11 G (Bagger)
                    1978 XS11 G (White Knight)
                    1978 XS11 G (Skeleton)
                    2016 SS (S.S. Flyer)


                    • #25
                      Well, this really sucks ...

                      Now who is gonna' be there to pick me up when I crash ??

                      Of course I have known about this for a while before this posting and I'm glad to read that you're doin' better, Richard. Freaked me out when I called ya' a couple of days back .... sounded pretty rough then. You'll be up again soon, I'm sure. You probably remember Wayne, whose house we rode out to this summer?...He crashed that R6 we looked at and spent a few months in a body cast a year ago .... he's ridin' again now though. He is 72, I believe. Can't keep a good man down.

                      Thought you were'nt gonna' take the pain pills ..... awww well, on second thought, I guess it's OK this time
                      80G Mini-bagger
                      VM33 Smooth bores, Pods, 4/1 Supertrapp, SS brake lines, fork brace

                      Past XS11s

                      79F Stone stocker and former daily driver, sold May '10 now converting for N.O. to cafe style
                      79SF eventually dismantled for parts
                      79F Bought almost new in 80, sold for a house
                      79F The Ernie bike sold to a Navy dude summer 08
                      79SF Squared-off Special, Vetter/Bates tour pkg., Mikes XS coils, G rear fender and tail light. Sold June 09


                      • #26
                        Better now

                        Back to work today.
                        You can't stay young forever, but you can be immature for the rest of your life...

                        '78E "Pathfinder" Show bike...
                        Lovingly restored by Dave Delzell
                        Drilled airbox
                        Tkat fork brace
                        Hardly mufflers
                        late model carbs
                        Newer style fuses
                        Oil pressure guage
                        Custom security system
                        Stainless braid brake lines


                        • #27
                          Glad to hear that!! Don't forget, let me know if I can help with anything. I DO need to return a favor or two...
                          Ray Matteis
                          XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
                          XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!


                          • #28
                            OK NO MORE OF THAT

                            That is enough of clif faces and take your time recovering ribs are a bitch. But that said get well quick
                            " That glass isn't half empty it has a hole in it "

                            79 SF set to cruise

                            80special work in progress

                            and now 78 needs work


                            • #29
                              Your Spill

                              Hey Dick, glad to hear you made it through in without major injury. Doesn't sound like you did anything wrong, just got in the wrong place at the wrong time. That being said it's not likely to happen again. I hope you take your time deciding which has the stronger pull on you, riding or stopping because of this incident. I know I have had a few close ones that made me think about not riding anymore. I did stop after my second daughter was born. I waited until this year (18 years later) till I started again. I'm glad I did. There is nothing like the feeling of being in your own world and feeling the power and the freedom you have on this bikes. It is an addiction. Either way you can't make a wrong decision. Keep healing quickly. By the way Tramadol is gooooood stuff.
                              K&N's and drilled airbox
                              Jardine 4in1
                              Dunlop Elite 3's
                              JBM slide diaphragms
                              142.5 main jets
                              45 pilot jets
                              T.C.'s fusebox & SOFA
                              750/850 FD mod.
                              XV 920 Needle Mod.
                              Mike's XS plastic floats set at 26mm
                              Venture Cam Chain Tensioner


                              • #30
                                Pain killers

                                Dr gave me a prescription for Lorcet, but nobody had any so I got the generic instead. Hydrocodone APAP Works really good. Puts the lights out too.
                                You can't stay young forever, but you can be immature for the rest of your life...

                                '78E "Pathfinder" Show bike...
                                Lovingly restored by Dave Delzell
                                Drilled airbox
                                Tkat fork brace
                                Hardly mufflers
                                late model carbs
                                Newer style fuses
                                Oil pressure guage
                                Custom security system
                                Stainless braid brake lines

