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hydrogen generators

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  • hydrogen generators

    I work with a guy who made one of these hydrogen generators for his car. Basically it's a mason jar with a plastic lid, an anode and a cathode, 12 volts from the battery, a spinkler bubbler and a check valve from an aquarium. you put baking soda and distilled water in it, charge it and it creates hydrogen. You run a line somewhere into the intake and somewhere that has vaccuum. Hydrogen is supposed to burn hotter and cleaner than gasoline and allegedly there is a big MPG increase as well as some power uppage. Has anyone ever heard of this and how do we mount one to our bikes?
    One web site where they sell the destructions is:
    The guy I know that did this is claiming a 12-15 MPG increase on his saturn. I would try it on my bravada if it worked.
    Current Rides: '82 XJ w/Jardine 4-1's, GIVI flyscreen, '97 Triumph Trophy 1200
    Former Rides: '71 CB350, '78 400 Hawk, '75 CB550/4;
    while in Japan: '86 KLR250, '86 VT250Z, '86 XL600R, '82 CB450(Hawk II), '96 750 Nighthawk, '96 BMW F650

  • #2
    You just have to realize that to make energy you have to use energy. It takes a decent amount of electricity to produce a decent amount of hydrogen. And has been experimented on cars for decades now, so if it was a miracle, it would be mass produced by now. From what I have seen and heard the mason jar trick just isn't enough to increase gas mileage, plus since your Bravada is fuel injected, you wouldn't be able to adjust it to run lean to make up for ALL the extra hydrogen power. The mason jar hydrogen generator isn't even enough to power a lawn mower. I had this discussion with my 168 IQ, MENSA, 3 college degree father-in-law. Plus my brother-in-law, the chemical engineer. I thought it was the answer too.

    1980 XS11 Special - chopped, dropped and OCTY is still installed - NOW IT'S FOR SALE! $1,800 OBO

    Famous Myspace quote:

    "Don't mess with TEXAS! It's not nice to pick on retards."

    It's funny because I am from TEXAS!


    • #3
      I know a guy that has one he's made for a jeep. He says once it starts working he has to readjust his idle screws leaner..

      Only thing is I agree, you cant get something for nothing.. its using electricity created by the alternator and ultimatly by gasoline so just a trade off.
      XS1100 F/G (79 Bike/80 Motor)
      Grab a tetanus shot and jump on!!!


      • #4
        You owe me $97. (for my "E Book" explaining the secret)

        Ok, I'm sorry... As a member of I tell you my secrets for free.

        The secret is...and all Gurus know this... Is that your bike already HAS a hydrogen generator. It came stock with these things!
        Those Japanese engineers, when they designed these bikes in the late '70s were way ahead of everybody else.
        What happened was... they weren't given credit for their idea... and weren't given any royalties, either.
        So... what they did was.... they disconnected the system out of spite.
        But, as an XS11. com member.. I shall reveal to you, FREE... the secret of the XS11's hydrogen generator, and how you can harness it's vast potential.

        (Holy sh!t... I just realized... this would have been a better idea for the valve tool contest than "Pick a number from 1 to 300".

        "Identify the XS11 hydrogen generator"

        Now the secret.... and for free, too.

        The XS11 Hydrogen Generator is.......
        THE BATTERY!

        Yes, it's true.. and is a well guarded secret in the "Internet Fuel Economy" scam cults, etc.

        Batteries work by electrolysis... Which seperates water back into hydrogen and oxygen.
        (this is why you must keep topping off your battery with water.)
        This is also why your battery has a vent hose.... to vent away the gases that are produced. The vent hose is routed away from stuff, as the acid fumes can corrode things, but this isn't important here.
        What is important here is... how this can save you money in fuel costs:
        Take that battery vent hose... the one by which the hydrogen and oxygen escapes from the battery....
        And run that hose into your airbox.
        Now, all that FREE hydrogen gets burned in the cylinders... MEANING, FREE POWER AND ENERGY!!!!

        Improve you fuel economy.... It's so simple!
        So simple... and if you believe it'll have any noticeable effect, you're equally "simple".

        If you read any of the thread here concerning cleaning rust from a fuel tank using eletrolysis, this is the same thing. The bubbling is oxygen and hydrogen separating.
        One needs to make sure that the battery charger used to do this is unplugged before disconnecting the electrodes, as a spark by the tank is enough to ignite the gases being generated.
        Same for jump-starting a car. One puts the ground cable on something metal, not on the battery's negative terminal, for when one disconnects, the small spark generated can ignite the hydrogen.
        (My idiot ex-brother in law still owes me for a battery)
        Yeah, generates hydrogen... not enough to be useful.
        "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


        • #5

          its a scam. The big 3 and many other car companies have be experimenting with hydrogen for ages, and the space shuttles all use hydrogen generators. When I was at Hughes Aircraft in Cal., I had a friend that designed batteries for the satellites that Hughes built. He said basically the same thing Promo said. The practicality has not caught up with the science, period... Now that everyone is green aware, don't you think that many people would be making hydrogen generators like crazy if they really worked????? Think of the money to be made!!!!
          J.D."Jack" Smith
          1980G&S "Halfbreed"
          1978E straight job
          "We the people are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts, not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the constitution." Abraham Lincoln

          Life is like a coin, you can choose to spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once. Make your choices wisely.


          • #6
            My brother, Sluggo, who's currently visiting, says I need a disclaimer for what I just wrote.
            "Brother, (he says...) suppose someone's charging system is over charging the battery and he get's too much hydrogen!"

            "Hey, then the bike will just run FASTER!"

            Actually, he said that some boob where he works built this thing and swears it provided a lot of extra power.

            Now, It's been a lot of years since college, and I can't remember the exact Psychological term for it, but when someone spends the time and effort to build something stupid, they obviously, to save face, must make great claims about it.
            Sluggo did also mention, that the guy at work.. his wife was out doing something, cleaning the car or something, and turned the ignition on for a while to play the radio.
            Yeah, the HYDROGEN GENERATOR was working all that time.
            She started the car up... and blew the intake manifold off.
            "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


            • #7
              Nuts!! Do you guys think I might be able to get that cow back that I traded for those magic beans?
              So when the people are claiming the increases in MPG it must be more like "wish power" plus the fact that the "sellers"of the secret tell you to change your oil, filters and lay off the pedal.
              Well, with the advances in technology and the more accesible it is,
              plus the fact that the car companies and big oil have been known in the past, to buy and rathole revolutionary ideas (Tucker). You can't really blame someone for hoping.
              Thanx guys for the insight.
              Current Rides: '82 XJ w/Jardine 4-1's, GIVI flyscreen, '97 Triumph Trophy 1200
              Former Rides: '71 CB350, '78 400 Hawk, '75 CB550/4;
              while in Japan: '86 KLR250, '86 VT250Z, '86 XL600R, '82 CB450(Hawk II), '96 750 Nighthawk, '96 BMW F650


              • #8
                "its a scam. The big 3 and many other car companies have be experimenting with hydrogen for ages, and the space shuttles all use hydrogen generators."

                I love it. No one trusts big business or the gov't, unless it's about hydrogen!

                Hydrogen will run FINE in your car, or your bike. It produces about 18% more power than gasoline, and produces no polution. You just need a 'propane' kit.

                You can easily supplement it in with your existing fuel, but you either have to have it run in in a steady supply, or you have to be adjusting every time you change your mixture.

                Yes, the car companies have experimented with Hydrogen powered cars for years, and they work fine. Only problem is, the gas companies had a law passed that says every vehicke produced has to go a minimum distance per tank of fuel.

                Since we can't compress hydrogen, on a car, like propane, no one has been able to make a car, practical, that can go that minimum distance, for mass production.

                Also, since the gov't is more prone to asking people to cut back on electricity, rather than provide a product in demand, they don't want to have to use large amounts of our grid to produce hydrogen, yet.

                Hydrogen fuel cells are a whole other story, as they are essentially, just batteries. As for the shuttle it uses cells for internal power, but many rockets use hydrogen peroxide for fuel.

                Once we get over the fear of nuclear power, and electricity becomes readily available and cheap, hydrogen will become VERY feasible.

                You have to understand that Hydrogen competes with oil, and big oil supports our govt's, so neither is in any hurry to abandon gas for ANY other fuel. All the alternatives out, right now, are all minimal use, stop-gap measures that they know will go no where in the long run, but they can use to show how environementally 'freindly' they are.

                This is another reason that our prices are so high right now, the gas companies know thier time is limited, and so they are trying to get as much profit, as quickly as they can, before they are forced to cut way back.
                Last edited by Crazcnuk; 09-20-2008, 04:10 PM.
                Nice day, if it doesn't rain...

                '05 ST1300
                '83 502/502 Monte Carlo for sale/trade


                • #9
                  Crazcnuk, it'll work it's just the little mason jar he's talking about is a waste of time. And to produce enough on the go adds A LOT of weight (batteries, water, container, etc). But pre-made hydrogen gas would save a lot of the weight.

                  1980 XS11 Special - chopped, dropped and OCTY is still installed - NOW IT'S FOR SALE! $1,800 OBO

                  Famous Myspace quote:

                  "Don't mess with TEXAS! It's not nice to pick on retards."

                  It's funny because I am from TEXAS!


                  • #10

                    Nuff said
                    Ich habe dich nicht gefragt.


                    • #11
                      Of course, I was just talking about hydrogen in general.

                      However, I have seen reports where these cannisters DO work, but not 10-15mpg, more like 3-5. You have to have to have them set up correctly so that the feed is always constant so that you don't have to keep adjusting.

                      I assume how much increase you can get would depend on how big a system your car can comfortably manage. The electricity you are using is residual (unused) capacity on the alternator that you are paying to spin anyway. If the charging system is borderline like on our XS's, I am not sure if you could get enough H to make a big difference, but every bit helps.

                      One thing about running H2 and 0 into your system (as these cannisters do) is it reduces your emissions a fair amount, as I understand it.

                      Fuel injection will adjust automatically, as the outgoing 02 sensor will detect no (less) free O, and reduce fuel until it gets a little. You may experience a little roughness as it does this though.
                      Nice day, if it doesn't rain...

                      '05 ST1300
                      '83 502/502 Monte Carlo for sale/trade


                      • #12
                        But pre-made hydrogen gas ....

                        Not sure if I posted this thought on this forum or another.
                        A tank large enough to be useful to power a car could be made into a very sizeable bomb very easily (cheep too, wind up alarm clock, a single triple A battery, two wires).
                        Also hydrogen has the bad habit of weakening steel tanks (and pipes) after a while. A collision with a couple hydrogen powered cars could take out quite a few near by cars too.

                        BTW, a couple Universities have been working on different schemes to store hydrogen "safely" but so far has been way to expensive to be particle.


                        • #13
                          this is my buddy's site.
                          check out the hydrogen generator section under "experiments"
                          United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
                          If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
                          "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
                          "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
                          Acta Non Verba


                          • #14
                            "could be made into a very sizeable bomb very easily "

                            Are you a oil company lackey? Or just bought into thier hype?

                            Those exact same components can turn a gas tank into a pretty sizeable bomb too.

                            Now you know why they keep showing the Hindenberg crash. What they don't tell you is that most the people survived that crash.

                            Edison used to use scare tactics (electrocuting animals) to try and get people to go against AC/DC power transmission. Dangerous stuff, piping that AC/DC into everyone's home...

                            Oh, and no need to use steel anything. Lots of polymer linings around these days.
                            Nice day, if it doesn't rain...

                            '05 ST1300
                            '83 502/502 Monte Carlo for sale/trade


                            • #15
                              Hi keith,
                              I'm not against hydrogen, nukes or drilling in ANWR etc etc...but
                              on a nice day in Canada you can throw a lit cigarette into a puddle of gasoline spilled while filling your XS and it will put the cigarette out. What would hydrogen do?

                              And no, gasoline in your tank will not produce the kind of explosion a similar amount of hydrogen will. The "fuel air" bomb works because it atomizes/disperses the fuel mixing it with the oxygen in the air . Gasoline burns slow compared to hydrogen.


