After I stripped all the coats of krylon that the PO left on my jugs, I had to start from square zero with my aluminum.
I usually use "Mother's" and it works great on aluminum with a lot of elbow grease (and a drill with a "power ball"). I was looking at this product called Blue Magic that has some silcone in it that is supposed to help the shine last longer. My initial thoughts on this stuff after using it are that it doesn't shine up like mothers. I think i'll use the mothers and that put a coat of the other stuff on. Any one had any luck with anything else? This will help with aluminium OCD.
I usually use "Mother's" and it works great on aluminum with a lot of elbow grease (and a drill with a "power ball"). I was looking at this product called Blue Magic that has some silcone in it that is supposed to help the shine last longer. My initial thoughts on this stuff after using it are that it doesn't shine up like mothers. I think i'll use the mothers and that put a coat of the other stuff on. Any one had any luck with anything else? This will help with aluminium OCD.
