I must have gone over 100 many times at least it felt like it . I couldn't really tell because my eyes were closed.
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Triple Digit Cherry
Heh, about 30 minutes after I bought my 11, on the way home, in the middle of February just south of Grand Rapids, MI, with my now wife (then girlfriend) following me.
She was less than thrilled with how fast I was going, stopped trying to keep up after 90. I think I probably only went slightly over 100 there.
Highest I've done on it was 120 indicated, and if she asks, that was years ago (certainly not this spring).'78E
First time over 100 was in my best friends older brother's maverick, I think I was 12. Sitting in the back seat with AC/DC blasting in my ears. I blame him for just about everything.
On a bike, It was my first one. xs850 special, I couldn't tell you when, cuz the speedo only went to 85. My fastest bike was the Eliminator 900, but I always felt like it was going to fall apart at high speed, and it had alot of speed. Best xs11 rip was 125 on my 78e with my wife on the back digging her nails into my ribs and yelling at me. That old dog pulls like a train, it seems the faster you go the more it pulls. Any of my xs's would do the 125 area but as with anything, it was much more fun with the wife freakin!
79 XS11 Special (Lazarus)
80 XS850 Special (Old Faithful)
80 XS11 Standard sorta stock (Beatrice)
79 DT 100
So I broke the barrier today coming back from Cassoday. Was trying to keep up with some little crotch rocket. Doing pretty god at 120, then I got kamakazed by a grasshopper. Right in the chest. I haven't hurt that bad since getting shot.Ich habe dich nicht gefragt.
LOL.. All the fights I've been in over the years, the worst shiner I ever got was from a dragon fly at 80+. Hit right on the orbit bone and smeared crud into my ear.
Last bike I had, I was riding without a windshield, and a June bug hit me in the chest while I was doing @ 80. I was sitting there whining to myself about how bad it hurt... then one exploded against my upper lip at the same speed. I now know what a June bug tastes like (Nope.. nothing like chicken) and my chest didn't hurt near as bad after that.
TodTry your hardest to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are.
You can live to be 100, as long as you give up everything that would make you want to live to be 100!
Current bikes:
'06 Suzuki DR650
*'82 XJ1100 with the 1179 kit. "Mad Maxim"
'82 XJ1100 Completely stock fixer-upper
'82 XJ1100 Bagger fixer-upper
'82 XJ1100 Motor/frame and lots of boxes of parts
'82 XJ1100 Parts bike
'81 XS1100 Special
'81 YZ250
'80 XS850 Special
'80 XR100
*Crashed/Totalled, still own
When I was 15 I used to Hijack my old mans XS1100 special when he was working nights. For about a two week period I was the "Midnight Rider". Pretty stupid I guess because the old man was a six-foot four steel worker and I was all of about 130 lbs and maybe 5'1". I got the bike red lined thru fourth and flying in fifth when I started lifting up off the seat and the pegs. I looked at the speedo and it was reading right at 150. After the first night I disconnected the speedo so I didn't tally up the evidence. Needless to say, when I told my father about it twenty years later, He was quite pissed.I guess there is no statute of limitations on motorcycle thievery. That's funny because when my 17 year old asks me how fast my bike goes, I always chucle and say "the speed limit is 65." Besides everyone knows the maxims can only go 85
Current Rides: '82 XJ w/Jardine 4-1's, GIVI flyscreen, '97 Triumph Trophy 1200
Former Rides: '71 CB350, '78 400 Hawk, '75 CB550/4;
while in Japan: '86 KLR250, '86 VT250Z, '86 XL600R, '82 CB450(Hawk II), '96 750 Nighthawk, '96 BMW F650