Well, I don't mind congratulating myself... my bike and I broke the three-digit barrier for the first time last night. I had it up to 110mph. First time ever. The bike felt good; no wobble. I think it was at around 7000-7500 rpms. I was very surprised how easily to got to that speed. I am starting to enjoy this bike more and more.
No announcement yet.
Triple Digit Cherry
Yes, isn't it a thrill how quick these machines will zip up into the triple digit speeds? After 28 years of riding mine I still get a rush.Mike Giroir
79 XS-1100 Special
Once you un-can a can of worms, the only way to re-can them is with a bigger can.
First time was MANY years ago. I had an XS1 650, and used to go out to Cave Creek in Arizona back when it was a two lane road. Me and a friend on a 750 Honda, MUCH modified, used to run at an even 100. The road was paved with the wash as part of it, so as you went back up, you kept going!
This WAS a long time ago in a place FAR away....Ray Matteis
XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!
XS1? sweet. I have a '75 XS650D. A friend of mine had it up to 90mph and he said it probably shouldn't go any faster. The bike doesn't run now coincidentally.
I had my xs11 up to 110 on an empty stretch between Two Harbors and Duluth, MN. It probably wasn't a good idea as the deer population is very high this year (I saw 19 deer on that 26 mile stretch before).Stock '79 xs1100 Standard
I PEGGED my originally owned 1978 1100 on a back road between Carlton Place and Stittsville with the wife on the back. Ashton station road I think it was locally know as. Red lined it through every gear after finally getting the carbs tuned just right for the Kerker headers. Hit 127 MPH before I had to shut her down to avoid a crash. Almost lost the Wife when the LARGE purse she had on her lap between us flew up and filled with air like a parachute. She nearly pulled me off the bike hanging on for dear life. Scared the SH*T out of both us real good. That was but one of the times I saw my life flash before my eyes ...
1978 XS1100E Modified
1978 XS500E
1979 XS1100F Restored
1980 XS1100 SG
1981 Suzuki GS1100
1983 Suzuki GS750S Katana
1983 Honda CB900 Custom
I always hit triple digets. I always move just a little faster than traffic on the freeway, which is 75 mph average. Makes it easier for me to keep track of what's happening and easier to control my suroundings and risk. Always jockying for position I often go from 80 to 110 or more just to pass a cage. That's what I like about these bikes, takes no time at all to add 30 mph, just seconds.You can't stay young forever, but you can be immature for the rest of your life...
'78E "Pathfinder" Show bike...
Lovingly restored by Dave Delzell
Drilled airbox
Tkat fork brace
Hardly mufflers
late model carbs
Newer style fuses
Oil pressure guage
Custom security system
Stainless braid brake lines
First C note on the speedo was on a 450 Honda. It barely made it but after riding a 100 Suzuki for a year it was like light speed. Moving up from that to a Comabt Norton which could tag a 100 mph with no problem.I will spare the details of the Sunday morning clearing a rise on I-25 at 143 on my 1000 Jota(radar verified
) and meeting up with a Black Dodge Monaco with them funny lights on the roof.
My XS often clears the C note for the same reasons as Planedick. During a rally ride with the hooligans (better known as the TeXSives), I tagged 117 with the wife on the back during a high speed pass. I could have gone faster but I was getting this acute, sharp, repeating jabbing pain in my kidneys.
It seemed to go away as fast as it came when I slowed down.
Musta been a velocity induced spasm.
When a 10 isn't enough, get a 11. 80g Hardbagger
I can't remember the first time I popped my C note because I also had the 85mph speedo, but had burried it a few times on some nice highway stretches! I've since put on an xs650 120 mph one.
Several years ago they completed a combo tunnel/bridge close to home, and one late evening I was coming home, no traffic in front of me for at least a mile, and no crosswinds....IN the tunnel...it's a 2 lane 1 way each with no opposing traffic....separate tunnels. IT starts out at sea level, and then drops a hundred feet or so onto the bottom of the river before coming back up to sea level onto the 3 mile bridge section.
Going into the tunnel, decided to crank it, hit 100 before I got to the bottom, continued across and up the other side but eventually let off before clearing the tunnel exit.
I sorta forgot about the monitoring cameras mounted INSIDE the tunnel!Thankfully, no CHPs on duty that night at the tunnel, and I guess I was going fast enough that they couldn't read my plates?
No ticket!
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
This one is easy for me. I was heading from Melbourne to Rockhampton in Australia - about a 2000km ride, with a buddy on a Kwaka 1000.
We hit the highway about 4am and after a couple of hours we were on clear roads between country towns - in Australia a country town might only have 100 people, but it there is always a pub and usually a 1 man police station.
The roads are loooong and boooooring, until a road train comes at you in the opposite direction... you better HANG ON or you'll be blasted of the road by the wind rush...
Anyway, between towns we come across a loooong straight stretch of road, with undulations as far as they eye can see, disappearing over the horizon. We're already doing 130/140 km/hr anyway, so it wasn't hard to hit 160 (100mph) with the flick of the wrist...
Up comes the Kawasaki .. so up to 175...180.. having a blast
Over the next undulation....COPS!!! with the old speed tapes down on the road.
I think we scared him as much as he scared us.
I don't think he even tried to chase ... he knew he couldn't catch us.
No wonder I have an XS11...-------------------------
80 XS11 special
Ex 80 XS11 Standard
I can't lie. Whenever I cruise alone on desolate 2 lane roads, I open it wide. At home around town, I use the two lane road that goes over the local dam. 2 lane, straight, no cars late at night, straight, level, and no animals.United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
"You know something, You can't polish a turd"
"What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
Acta Non Verba
My first time was about 13 years ago... pulling out of a parking lot when my riding partner decided he wanted to see what my FJ would do... I was doing about 145 when I passed him... I'm sure there was a 100 in there somewhere...
81 SH Something Special
81 frame, 80 tank and side covers, 79 tail light and carbs, 78 engine, 750 final drive mod, Geezer rec/reg, 140 mains, LH wheels
81SH Nor'eas tah (Old Red)
80 LG Black Magic
78 E Standard Practice
James 3:17
If I can make at least one person smile, or pee their pants a little, or maybe spit out their drink; then my day is not wasted.
“Alis Volat Propriis”
Yamaha XS 1100 Classic
For those on FB
i dodge ram got a little testy with me about 2 weeks ago.he got me off the line because of the fact my second gear almost dont exist.but i finaly got it 2 3rd and took off.he was still floored and when i passed him it looked like he was not even moving.the speedo pegged while i was in 4 th and i floored 5th awhile before i packed off.the road we were on was a big 5 lane road in a industrial area that is mainly semi's.81 SH for 300 bucks,work in progress.
87 dodge d-50,35's,lockers fr&rr,fun.
87 dodge d-50,35's,open diffs,wifes.
89 dodge spirit,low 17's 1/4mile w/o turbo.
On most days I'll run it up into the triple digits for a short burst.. .only 6.5 miles to work. I hit at least 135mph this last weekend in a short burst with that Texas Hooligan, Wildkat, and her FJ. You'll notice in her signature next to that bike what she hit! lol.
Last year at the Talimena rally before heading home Sunday, Vincer, Buigfoot and I went for a ride to Honobia, OK and back before heading out., We went there, then I filmed the ride back. John, Kat, and I went back to this area a few weeks ago, and I measured from the curve where I started accelerating to the bridge where I left off, and figuring it out, I AVERAGED 126 mph. I started off doing @ 60 or so.
Some of you may have seen this, and if you have dialup, don't click on it. The last minute or so is when I started speeding up. This is with a stock motor, the 750 final drive, and riding one handed while I hold the camera with the other.. lol.
TodLast edited by trbig; 08-07-2008, 08:41 PM.Try your hardest to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are.
You can live to be 100, as long as you give up everything that would make you want to live to be 100!
Current bikes:
'06 Suzuki DR650
*'82 XJ1100 with the 1179 kit. "Mad Maxim"
'82 XJ1100 Completely stock fixer-upper
'82 XJ1100 Bagger fixer-upper
'82 XJ1100 Motor/frame and lots of boxes of parts
'82 XJ1100 Parts bike
'81 XS1100 Special
'81 YZ250
'80 XS850 Special
'80 XR100
*Crashed/Totalled, still own