I just found a XS/XJ11 Mail list on Yahoo. There was a question about half way down about Uni filter material. I clicked on it and found other questions from Motorcycle Owners." I am not making this up(As Dave Barry Says all the time). One question was "Why doesn't the brake light light up on my Harley Sportster when I put my foot on the Brake Pedal." But the one that told me that the human race is now an endanger species is this: "When you hit a tree or telephone post with a motorcycle or scooter, how long does it take you to recover?" This guy's brain cell count is perilously close to ZERO!! And he is out there without a minder!! The world as we know it is at an end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No announcement yet.
We may be in real trouble!
We may be in real trouble!
J.D."Jack" Smith
1980G&S "Halfbreed"
1978E straight job
"We the people are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts, not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the constitution." Abraham Lincoln
Life is like a coin, you can choose to spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once. Make your choices wisely.Tags: None
This is what happens when someone has taken too many shots to the brain cage while riding skateboards and they move up to large motorcycles. If that guy owns a XS/XJ, I feel sorry for the bike, but cheer up,it may take care of the problem before it has a chance to breed.1979XS1100SF
K&N's and drilled airbox
Jardine 4in1
Dunlop Elite 3's
JBM slide diaphragms
142.5 main jets
45 pilot jets
T.C.'s fusebox & SOFA
750/850 FD mod.
XV 920 Needle Mod.
Mike's XS plastic floats set at 26mm
Venture Cam Chain Tensioner
It is scary. I have one other forum that I frequent. Some of the questions and the ideas and the attitudes make me feel very old. One poor newbie was asking about bikes from the late eighties early nineties and was told that they are too old to be much good. Oh how I love to burst those bubbles.http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1241/1480921818_241eade448_s.jpg
Re: We may be in real trouble!
Originally posted by xs11jack
I just found a XS/XJ11 Mail list on Yahoo.
FWIW, the old Yahoo site still lists around 1400 users, and something in excess of 62000 notes, with a search tool much like the one here. Most of the technical stuff that was covered there has also been covered here, sometimes quite a few times.
XS11 group
XS11Plus2 group
allxs11s group
http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/...ec=group&slk=2Ken Talbot
It gave me nightmares
The info is helpful to calm my shattered nerves. I had a nightmare last nite about riding down a dark street and being surrounded by 14 yr old kids on skateboards powered by Harley engines. It didn't matter if the kids got run over or crashed, in the flames coming out of the Harley exhaust pipes new kids were created. I woke up cover in sweat, clutching my .45 auto!J.D."Jack" Smith
1980G&S "Halfbreed"
1978E straight job
"We the people are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts, not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the constitution." Abraham Lincoln
Life is like a coin, you can choose to spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once. Make your choices wisely.
Wow, neat nightmare!! What kind of ,45, auto or single action HA HA HA! Everyone knows kids don't put Harley motors on skateboards, they use wrecked crotch rocket engines. Then they are going faster, quicker when they crash into the phone poles or trees! Try rum, you might dream about Jimmy Buffet!
P.S. Just kidding about the rum1979XS1100SF
K&N's and drilled airbox
Jardine 4in1
Dunlop Elite 3's
JBM slide diaphragms
142.5 main jets
45 pilot jets
T.C.'s fusebox & SOFA
750/850 FD mod.
XV 920 Needle Mod.
Mike's XS plastic floats set at 26mm
Venture Cam Chain Tensioner
Tim, I know kids don't put Harley engines on skateboards, that was why it was a nightmare. It was a Ordnance P14-45, 13 in the mag, one up the snout, hammer down, safety off. Now, I have handled ordnance for about 60 years and never had a accidental discharge. So if you come to my house your life will not be in danger, it will be protected better than you know. If you want to condem me for my firearms attitude, remember this "When seconds count, the Police are minutes away!"J.D."Jack" Smith
1980G&S "Halfbreed"
1978E straight job
"We the people are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts, not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the constitution." Abraham Lincoln
Life is like a coin, you can choose to spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once. Make your choices wisely.
Cool Nightmare...
As for the gun...I stick with the old saying, 'Forget the dog...beware of owner!'
Good for you xs11jack!...
And Tim, the rum does work.! You dream about 'Cheeseburgers in Paradise'!!!!!
80 XS1100G w/ Windjammer-the Witch
79 XS1100F
"Look Ma! No hands!...."
I like your choice of sidearm. In my case Colt Gov't .45 cocked and locked when out and about, clip handy when home. Unfortunately I've had to repell boarders at the front door once. Fortunately nobody got hurt, no shots fired, point was made. SWMBO wasn't big on me having one until after that happened. By the way, cocked and locked was the way John Browning ment them to be carried. Stopped shooting handguns after my carpel tunnel syndrom got too bad, didn't like my hands shaking for two days after only 100 rounds. If I can't practice and be current, I'm not going to carry, my choice. Mr Mossberg handles things around the house now if needed. Hopefully never.
I agree after reading your last post, it was a nightmare. I just didn't catch on that Hardley engines were the clue.1979XS1100SF
K&N's and drilled airbox
Jardine 4in1
Dunlop Elite 3's
JBM slide diaphragms
142.5 main jets
45 pilot jets
T.C.'s fusebox & SOFA
750/850 FD mod.
XV 920 Needle Mod.
Mike's XS plastic floats set at 26mm
Venture Cam Chain Tensioner
I have a couple of Para's along w/ several others. 16-40 & 14-45. Both cocked and locked. Love em. My carry gun is a Taurus Millennium 10-45, smaller and lighter.79 F full cruiser, stainless brake lines, spade fuses, Accel coils, modded air box w/larger velocity stacks, 750 FD.
79 SF parts bike.
Thank you for your support!
Thanks, gals and guys, Sometimes I get a load of hassle for my 2nd amendment outlook.
Tim, isn't there a operation to correct carpel tunnel? I guess it depends on the severity.
RedBandit, PowerRam, I would love to have a .40. Great gun!!
Now my nightmare is that my 78E has low compression and a head gasket is $100.J.D."Jack" Smith
1980G&S "Halfbreed"
1978E straight job
"We the people are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts, not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the constitution." Abraham Lincoln
Life is like a coin, you can choose to spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once. Make your choices wisely.