lets just say when me and my friends go up in the woods to go shooting that is one bunch of guys that no one would want to mess with.in feb we had 6 peaple with 3 .40 semi's a 9 semi and 2 12g 870 clones.
No announcement yet.
We may be in real trouble!
Carpel Tunnel
Yep, there is an operation for it. I've had too may zippers put in, needed ones and unwanted ones. It's not real bad yet and riding the bike and using the clutch and throttle seems to be helping. By the way Jack, don't worry , be happy, maybe you'll have better nightmares (dreams)I've had a .40, a .45acp is better IMHO, more accurate in general, harder hitting and easier on the hand. So is a shotgun.
And yes Carolyn, rum does work,I only know too well. You can have whats left over of my share if you would like.Won't be much if you get my drift. Some things I am better off without.
This is one heck of a thread isn't it? Bikes, guns, booze and nightmares!!!!!
K&N's and drilled airbox
Jardine 4in1
Dunlop Elite 3's
JBM slide diaphragms
142.5 main jets
45 pilot jets
T.C.'s fusebox & SOFA
750/850 FD mod.
XV 920 Needle Mod.
Mike's XS plastic floats set at 26mm
Venture Cam Chain Tensioner