So I try to pretty things up a bit on the bike and put stainless screws on the covers and such... even replace the old rusty screws on the heat shields with some stainless allen screws.
I'm headed home the other day and I came into a sweeping curve too hot, (For those of you that know me... just TRY to act somewhat surprised) and I went way beyond normal boot dragging lean... even got that pesky footpeg scraping and bent up out of the way... to where I started dragging... you guessed it. That nice new shiney stainless allen bolt on the heat shield!

Oh well... I guess at least it saved the heat shield?? lol.
I'm headed home the other day and I came into a sweeping curve too hot, (For those of you that know me... just TRY to act somewhat surprised) and I went way beyond normal boot dragging lean... even got that pesky footpeg scraping and bent up out of the way... to where I started dragging... you guessed it. That nice new shiney stainless allen bolt on the heat shield!

Oh well... I guess at least it saved the heat shield?? lol.