After many months of reading posts and looking at everyones pictures, I'm going to share mine.

This was at the dealer. I went in looking for a Shadow, and when I saw this bike I changed my mind. So I took her home, stripped her down and started fixing her back up.
Thanks to all of you here, (yes, even you Prom) and all of the fantastic information, I have a bike that seems to draw people even amongst all the newer, fancy bikes.

I can't thank you all enough for all of the help and info that you have given me. It has saved me countless hours of work and money because I am just a novice mechanic, and I would have had to go to professional (can you say $$$$) without all your knowledge.
Well, SWMBO wants to go for a ride, so we're off......

This was at the dealer. I went in looking for a Shadow, and when I saw this bike I changed my mind. So I took her home, stripped her down and started fixing her back up.
Thanks to all of you here, (yes, even you Prom) and all of the fantastic information, I have a bike that seems to draw people even amongst all the newer, fancy bikes.

I can't thank you all enough for all of the help and info that you have given me. It has saved me countless hours of work and money because I am just a novice mechanic, and I would have had to go to professional (can you say $$$$) without all your knowledge.
Well, SWMBO wants to go for a ride, so we're off......