Last week I followed SWMBO Down to Monterey to her spot on Fisherman's Wharf where she does quick sketch portraits. Tough gig, eh? We left Boulder Creek, she in her '80 something Volvo, me on my Special. Especially since overdrive doesn't work on her car, I told her not to try to keep up with me since I could and probably would outrun her. I planned on getting ahead of her so I could stop in at an army surplus store in Moss Landing. I was cruising up a long uphill grade at 80 in the passing lane when who should pass me on my right but my better half in her Volvo! As soon as I got to Moss Landing I had her pull over so I could chew her out. "But Honey, my speedometer said I was doing 65," she protested. No,no,no, I was sure my speedo must be right because I had gotten a speeding ticket only 2 months ago for doing 80 and my clock said 80 when I saw the cop and shut it down.
Last Sunday Diveray and his lady friend Penny and I went on a ride over to Gillroy and down to Carmel. Along the way I had Ray clock me at different speeds and sure enough my clock is off 15 mph at 65.
Damn! Oh the ignominy! Having to say to my wife: "Honey I'm sorry. You're right, I'm wrong, and I'll never do it again." (This, by the way is the secrete to marital bliss. It must be recited at the end of every argument whether true or not.)
And I've been bragging about how smooth my bike cruses at 80. I thought all those cars passing me were bigger idiots than I for passing me at 90. Now I find I must do 90 (by my clock,) in order to do a true, and reasonable, 75 on the freeway.
O.K., this is all leading up to a question. What do I do about it. Fixing my speedo, I mean. Any ideas?
Last Sunday Diveray and his lady friend Penny and I went on a ride over to Gillroy and down to Carmel. Along the way I had Ray clock me at different speeds and sure enough my clock is off 15 mph at 65.
Damn! Oh the ignominy! Having to say to my wife: "Honey I'm sorry. You're right, I'm wrong, and I'll never do it again." (This, by the way is the secrete to marital bliss. It must be recited at the end of every argument whether true or not.)
O.K., this is all leading up to a question. What do I do about it. Fixing my speedo, I mean. Any ideas?