Well now I am going on my 32nd year of riding some kind of street legal m/c.I dont claim to have seen it all but I have most definitely smelled it all
What the he## am I talking abt?I have been deaf in my left ear since I was 9 yrs old and my right ear went in my early 20's.As a result all of my other senses are heightened to compensate for the hearing loss.My eysight is very acute and so is my nose...ok for yrs I have followed other m/cs'...all kinds and the ones that have the WORST smelling exhaust are the H-Ds'.By far...I suspect this is because alot of them are straight pipes that are ofc obnoxiously loud as well as stink to high heaven.When I am following one or a pack of these guys..if I cant pass em then I pull way back and take a break and wait a minute or 2 and then continue on...I'm not looking to bash H-D riders cuz some of my buddies ride 'em...but man they are the worst polluters out there...
