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do you feel safer?

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  • do you feel safer?

    License Plate Scanners........
    Recently have read a few articals about how license plate scanners are being used by the government.
    Can be in a fixed location or on a patrol car,
    They now can monitor when and where you've been and info automaticly placed into a data base.

    This is worse than using fastpass automatic toll which places the time and date of a user in a data base ( info already being used in courts)

    Here in CA there are goverment cameras that monitor sections of the freeway. Wonder how long before this tech is used there too.
    So we got cameras at intersections
    Cameras at most retail stores
    Radar and lazers
    License plate scanners
    Military that now trains to fight inside cities
    Special police units that are para-military

    1984 is coming true


  • #2
    i'm fighting a red light camera ticket now, i'm now stopping at all red lights, just too much of a hassle, 381.00 fine ouch.

    i think england leads in the big brother is watching us sydrome, and crime is lower, then again, we are gun happy here aren't we?
    "a good man knows his limitations" dirty harry
    85 Yamaha FJ 1100
    79 yamaha xs1100f
    03 honda cbr 600 f4
    91 yamaha fzr 600
    84 yamaha fj 1100
    82 yamaha seca 750
    87 yamaha fazer
    86 yamaha maxim x
    82 yamaha vision
    78 yamaha rd 400


    • #3
      MRO, if you think that is nasty invasion of personal privacy, do some googling and reading about RFID.

      Mason, when my buddy lived down in OC, he got a red light ticket. When he started looking into it, it turned out that the company that had the contract to design and install those camera/sensors gets a kickback for every ticket issued. So, like good honest folks, the set the cameras to be overly ticket happy. Fight it!
      '81 XS1100 SH

      Melted to the ground during The Valley Fire

      Sep. 12th 2015



      • #4
        i'm now stopping at all red lights
        Geeze, I hope so.
        Young Gal at a stop sign yesterday, none on my side of intersection, she was looking right at me as I was entering intersection and she pulls out in front of me. New it was going to happen
        So I was right beside her sharing the lane as we went thru the cross walk lines, could not resist knocking on her window as I went by. After was just glad she didn't freak out and run me over.

        UK has cameras on roads to monitor/ticket speeders. Local government would like to do it here too as a "public safety measure" but when they do it will be on roads where traffic is relatively light so it will really be about money not "safety".

        crime is lower
        Our politically correct media almost never reports "race" when a crime happens. (whole other story why)



        • #5
          company that had the contract to design and install those camera/sensors gets a kickback for every ticket issued.
          That's the standard.
          Think it was Hewlit Packard that "threatened" one city that it would pull it's cameras because the city found that the yellow portion of the stop light was too short and when it's interval was lengthened the number of red light violations dropped to the point that they were loosing money.



          • #6

            When it becomes a problem, think it would be easy to make a jammer



            • #7
              You are over reacting comrad. This is very standard procedure. Just have your papers in order and you'll be fine.
              79 XS11 special


              • #8
                They don't like those cameras in AussieLand!

                Auxtian/Christian recently posted on the YAHOO list some links to a site in Australia where they show the red light cameras that have been torched!! It seems to be a popular thing to do over there! They had like 4 pages worth of cameras/boxes that were torched! About 60 cameras or so IIRC!

                Well, Mason, I hate to say it, but I hate redlight runners with a passion. Sorry you got caught by a quick yellow light!

                That type of evidence is like radar readings, it's considered Prima Fascia evidence....essentially incontrovertible. With radar, about all you can do is ask for the radar calibration log, but IF it's been properly and timely calibrated, then you're SOL, just have to have your speedo calibrated, and "sometimes" they are lenient....mercy of the court stuff!
                T. C. Gresham
                81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
                79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
                History shows again and again,
                How nature points out the folly of men!


                • #9
                  well gent's i hired this company i found on line call ticketbusters to fight, i am skeptical because, when i logged onto the courts that issues the ticket , the video, yes the video, was i did a california roll thru a right turn, that is what i meant by running reds,it was clear that i missed the yellow and went thru, while it was red, and the technology, allow me to slow down the frames and reverse, frame by framr to see exactly were i was when the light turned, any how

                  i'd roll thru rights on reds, trying to beat the yellow,or even if it's already red for a lwhile, i'd roll slow i've changed my habits on those too, ya know it may be a cheap lesson to stay alive, cause it did get me using more grey matter, while on the road.

                  i was clearly at fault, however these folk claim, when they do the trial by decalaration, they throw so much at them that they usually dismiss cases, in the rare event i lose, i get to appeal and as the last resort i get traffic school,

                  i need that like i need another hole, anyhow i am still waiting for the results but here is their defense for me.

                  In this matter, (Citation #22017 PA) the People's sole evidence is a series of photos and/or video generated by an automated enforcement camera. There were no witnesses to the incident. Without a clear photograph of the driver, no citation can be issued according to the California Vehicle Code (CVC Section 210). It is a requirement the issued citation must have a "clear photograph of a vehicle's license plate and the driver of the vehicle," for an automated enforcement citation to be issued and to be valid. Clearly after reviewing the photos of the citation, the driver in the picture cannot be identified. According to Vehicle Code Section 210, a driver who obscures his/her face while transiting an intersection is not subject to automated enforcement. Vehicle Code Section 21455.5 sets out requirements which must be met by a governmental agency ("the agency") which operates such a camera. Subsection 21455.5(b) requires a 30-day grace period during which only warning tickets (a.k.a.: "warning notices") shall be issued or were issued by the city of Pasadena, Section 21455.5 is "foundational." Hence, the burden is upon the agency to demonstrate that it issued warning tickets in the manner required. Besides the requirement for 30 days of warning tickets, two other requirements to warn motorists for citations issued in the city of Pasadena must have been met: (1) A requirement to post large signs facing all directions, and (2) a requirement to make a public announcement 30 days before beginning operation.

                  The documentation lacks foundation! All documentation and evidence logs are hearsay [Evidence Code § 1200, et al.] Pursuant to [Evidence Code 1400, et al.], all documentary evidence must be authenticated. Further, the document must be certified pursuant to [Evidence Code 1530-1531], if being admitted as an "Official Record”. The People [the Officer] must satisfy the requirements of [Evidence Code 1280] the “Official Records” exception to the hearsay rule. The People [the Officer] must also provide the proper documentation pursuant to [Evidence Code1271], the "Business Records" exception to the hearsay rule. I further request that the court require that the custodian of records for the Police agency offering the hearsay evidence to testify, pursuant to PEOPLE v. DICKERSON [1976] 59 Cal.App.3d 314. I am entitled to my right of confrontation and to cross-examine the witness and evidence being presented against me. In this case, with the use of automated camera enforcement, there is no person or persons who actually saw me commit the alleged violation. Therefore, I want to confront the documentary evidence being offered by the People [the Officer] against me in this trial. With emphasis on the above true facts and arguments, I request this honorable court to dismiss this citation from my record. If however the court rules against me, I request the option to attend traffic school.

                  very interesting

                  hey top cat i wonder if bb guns would take out a camera?
                  Last edited by mason79; 11-09-2007, 01:44 AM.
                  "a good man knows his limitations" dirty harry
                  85 Yamaha FJ 1100
                  79 yamaha xs1100f
                  03 honda cbr 600 f4
                  91 yamaha fzr 600
                  84 yamaha fj 1100
                  82 yamaha seca 750
                  87 yamaha fazer
                  86 yamaha maxim x
                  82 yamaha vision
                  78 yamaha rd 400


                  • #10
                    A pump pellet gun probably would!! Silent, accurate, and at 900+ F.P.S. should go through the lens....
                    Just a thought...
                    Ray Matteis
                    XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
                    XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!


                    • #11
                      wonder if bb guns would take out a camera?

                      If one was to disable one of the cities cash cows,
                      think they spare no expense tracking em down and bet they already have some pretty nasty penalties/jail time for the perp...

                      OTOH, maybe a paint ball gun



                      • #12
                        900+ F.P.S.

                        model 48, over 1100 fps, one pump only
                        can hit a dime at 50 feet every time too



                        • #13
                          Get used to it guys because the average citizen thinks that if you have nothing to hide you should not mind being filmed in public? They of course don't fully understand what they are giving up when they come to that conclusion but none the less they likely make up the majority. The government and police feel the same way.
                          KEEP THE RUBBER SIDE DOWN

                          1978 XS1100E Modified
                          1978 XS500E
                          1979 XS1100F Restored
                          1980 XS1100 SG
                          1981 Suzuki GS1100
                          1983 Suzuki GS750S Katana
                          1983 Honda CB900 Custom


                          • #14
                            Just remember. If you try to shoot out a camera, it;s likely you're already on the film!

                            As for the EZ-Pass ticketing, they sent some people in NY notices with the monthly bill stating their elapsed time was too short for the allowable speed limit. That was when it was new. I think what they quickly realized was if this was used against the the drivers, people would stop using the EZ-Passes and go for the regular ticket window. Those tickets are also date stamped, but that introuces other errors EZ-PAss does not, like the video cameras...

                            Bottom line...Beware and follow the rules and you'll be fine. Maybe a bit bored, but fine.
                            Past Rides:
                            1969 OSSA 250 Pioneer
                            1979 XS650 Special
                            1978 Honda CB750K
                            Current: 1980 XS1100SG


                            • #15
                              Here in the UK the speed cameras were first located hidden behind trees and road signs to catch people.

                              There was a public moan about that so they were moved and painted yellow so you could see them, the big give away tho is the 30 yards of white lines painted across the road next to them (the camera uses them for reference) although you could miss them in heavy traffic.

                              They are also 'sposed to be only located at accident black spots.

                              A few have been torched by wiring up an old cut in half car tyre to the camera top, then petrol in the tyre set alight, the advantage of this is it can be done from behind

                              4 pages of em

                              1982 5K7 Sport, restored to original from a wreck
                              1978 2H9 (E), my original XS11, mostly original
                              1980 2H9 monoshocked (avatar pic)
                              1982 XJ1100, waiting resto to original

