Well, I'm off to the other side of the pond for eight days. I'll be working at a lab up near Oxford. If any of our UK riders know the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, that's my work location. If you are nearby, please send me a pm, and I'll try and "hook up" so we can enjoy a pint. I will have a car, so I can drive for about 30 miles in any direction. My dates are November 11, arrive at Heathrow 13:30. November 20, leave Heathrow 11:40. I will have the 19th off, and possibly the 18th as well.
I will be able to post a local cell number once I'm in the UK.
I know this isn't close to XS11 stuff, but I would like to see some of the bikes in EU trim.
I will be able to post a local cell number once I'm in the UK.
I know this isn't close to XS11 stuff, but I would like to see some of the bikes in EU trim.