Closed on the new (brand new) casa Friday. It has been a 5 month ordeal but now it over. Had a walkthru on Wednesday, what disaster!
Toilet was sitting in the bathtub, paint job looked like my 6 year old grandson did it, Jet tub did not work, major chunks in the kitchen floor and enough overspray on the kitchen cabinents to make Earl Schieb jealous.
Returned on Friday to find everything fixed to my satisfaction. And cause of the hassles on the first walkthru and maybe the fact I didn't blow up on them, the builder is going to add 40ft of fence on the side yard for free so I can park my boat there, at no cost.
So, off I go to Lowes (window stuff), Sears (garage door opener for the man cave) and who where else. Gonna texture and paint the new garage this week before movin my stuff in there. Lotsa stuff to hang inside, many virgin walls awaiting penetration.
