~~>...... { " They are young, inexperienced and have a slower reaction time," Schwarzenegger said in a statement after he signed the legislation into law. }
I had thought all this time that it was supposed to get slower, as you got older; it doesn't.
I've noticed for years, that I've got faster reaction time, at something, I'm experienced at. I
was somewhat "confused", that it was really happening. But it is true. It must get imbedded in yer DNA, with time, and repeated experience. Insurance companies have
researched this; now accept this as routine fact. Amazing.
I had thought all this time that it was supposed to get slower, as you got older; it doesn't.
I've noticed for years, that I've got faster reaction time, at something, I'm experienced at. I
was somewhat "confused", that it was really happening. But it is true. It must get imbedded in yer DNA, with time, and repeated experience. Insurance companies have
researched this; now accept this as routine fact. Amazing.