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UFO's: weather balloons, or mass hysteria?

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  • UFO's: weather balloons, or mass hysteria?

    This thread is a spin off from Maximan's thread: "Ghost, Goblins, and Global Warming."

    I was born a couple of hundred miles from Roswell NM just two years before the infamous "incident."
    Of course in Texas 200 miles is "next door." I grew up in Lubbock which among other things (Buddy Holly, Lubboch Lake archeological site, worlds largest cotton oil mill, Mack Davis,) is know for "The Lubbock Lights."
    This latter is a mysterious fly over of lights flying in "V formation" which has been witnessed many times, once by my big brother in around 1958. My point is that I grew up in an area that was a hot bed of UFO activity, and have been interested in the subject ever since.

    Many, perhaps most sightings are cases of mis identification: weather balloons, ball lightening, other unusual but natural phenomena, reflections on car windows etc. Many, especially in the area of "Area 51" are possibly our own experimental military aircraft. But there are just too many sightings by sober, sane and trained observers such as police officers and airline pilots to brush them all off as such. Especially when such reports are more than just fast moving points of lights in the sky, and actually involve detailed descriptions of air/space and even water craft.

    In my musings I have concluded that life, or at least consciousness is a cosmic imperative. After all, if a tree falls in a forest and there isn't anything around to hear it, there is no sound: or a tree, or a forest for that matter! For us to believe that in an infinite universe we are the only intelligent life form is rather arrogant I think.

    I don't think it is too whacked out to think that our world may have been "seeded" from another world, or, conversely, that we may someday find it necessary to travel to and seed yet another world. The meek may inherit the earth, but the rest may very well inherit the stars! Think about how many things in the Bible could be explained by extraterrestrial visitation: Ezekial's "wheel," angels, people being lifted into heaven etc.

    Why haven't "they" contacted us? One possible explanation is that "they" are really us, visiting from the future. Maybe they don't think we are ready yet. Maybe they have their own political considerations. And just maybe they have and "we the people" are being kept in the dark!

    Anyway, absolute scientific proof aside, I invite your musings and personal experiences.
    Old bikers never die, they're just out of sight!

    My recently re-built, hopped up '79 Special caught fire and burned everything from the top of the engine up: gas tank, wiring, seat, & melted my windshield all over the front of the bike. Just bought a 1980 Special that has been non oped for 9 years. My Skoot will rise from the ashes and be re named "The Phoenix!"
    I've been riding since 1959.

  • #2
    From the time I was about 7 years old gazing at the stars on my first back packing trip in the Serrias and talking to my dad about the multitude of stars we could see and then learning that some were not stars but galixeys even larger than our own makes me beleaver that there has to be "others" out there. Hard to imagine "GOD" would have created such a vast universe just for us.

    As for UFO's....would like to beleave....but do not.
    I don't think inteligent life is so prevelant across the stars that should there be a civilization capeable of travel between them that they would not make themselves known.

    Would like to beleave in ghosts too....but agin do not.

    I'm an avid SF fan, and many SF stories of old have become Science fact. If our technoligy keeps advancing at it's current rate we may one day travel between the stars....


    • #3
      Re: UFO's: weather balloons, or mass hysteria?

      Originally posted by E.Liberty
      This thread is a spin off from Maximan's thread: "Ghost, Goblins, and Global Warming."

      I was born a couple of hundred miles from Roswell NM just two years before the infamous "incident."
      Of course in Texas 200 miles is "next door."
      I KNEW IT!!! Ed's an alien "anchor baby"!


      • #4
        IF Einstein was right, and the speed of light IS an absolute limit, then it is pretty much impossible for a physical beings to travel the distances required to reach any place outside of a solar system. That theory has stood for about 100 years now, and only gets more confirmation with the advances in science since then.

        We should probably just face the reality that we are just a small isolated ant colony with no chance of escape or rescue and make the most of what we have.

        80 XS1100G Standard - YammerHammer
        73 Yamaha DT3 - DirtyHairy
        62 Norton Atlas - AgileFragile (Dunstalled) waiting reassembly
        Norton Electra - future restore
        CZ 400 MX'er
        68 Ducati Scrambler
        RC Planes and Helis


        • #5
          That theory has stood for about 100 years now,
          Not exactly...have read a few phisics papers which seem to defiy Einstein. One was how new particals created had reacted after an induced collision. Had to do with as they seperated and one encountered something to change it's spin...the other half reacted the same instantainously. Was above my grasp of phisics to understand all of it but this should not happen according to Einstein. The other is the "worm hole". Curving/folding space geometry and using a "worm hole" to take a short cut between two points in space. Would be nice if it could be manipulated/controlled some day.
          Something else is still a mystery, gravity. A few experiments under way to detect "gravity waves". Think something like gravity most take for granted that we would know all about it. But actually we only understand some of it's effects.



          • #6
            Ahhh, I have not heard such thoughts expressed in nearly 25 years when my buddies and I would camp on the beach at Cape Hatteras (before all the $%*&&^$%!!! Condos came) and explore the world's truth (and untruths) through the bottom of a bottle.
            Papa Gino

            79 and something XS 1100 Special "Battle Cruiser"
            78 XT 500 "Old Shaky"
            02 Kawasaki Concours "Connie"


            • #7
              Deep space

              Didnt the Hubble telescope take a pic of deep space and looked back somewhere around 14 billion years and found what. 10,000 galaxies in that area of space? Does that make our area of space the new kids on the block? I gotta ask what those folks have been doin in the last 14 billion years if they were out there.
              Bruce Doucette
              Phone #1 902 827 3217


              • #8
                so, like, our whole universe could be an atom in the fingertip of some giant person............ <pass it over here dude>
                Pat Kelly

                1978 XS1100E (The Force)
                1980 XS1100LG (The Dark Side)
                2007 Dodge Ram 2500 quad-cab long-bed (Wifes ride)
                1999 Suburban (The Ship)
                1994 Dodge Spirit (Son #1)
                1968 F100 (Valentine)

                "No one is totally useless. They can always be used as a bad example"


                • #9
                  &quot;The ash on someone else's cigarette...&quot;

                  Einstein was wrong, and very little of what he proposed has stood the test of time. Actually, very little of what he proposed was proposed by him first.
                  The paper that first founded the premise of E=MC2 was published in Italy a year prior to Einstein "suddenly" having his revelation. I believe the guy was De Pretto. Scientific papers are written by scientists, working at university research centers, with equipment, and staff, and funding, etc... not by some third class clerk working in a patent office in Switzerland.
                  Five major papers published in one year alone(1905)..., yeah, like that was all his own "original" thought! (Must have been... as there were no footnotes nor citations crediting other researchers like most scientific papers have.)
                  The speed of light the limit... Bah!
                  We don't even know what light is. It acts as a photon. It acts as a wave. It can't be both a photon and a wave, yet it is!
                  "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


                  • #10
                    Actually most new thinking in science does come from some third rate clerk, the "establishment" is too bound to the accepted theories to do propose anything too radical. And E=mc2 is the most well know of Enstiens stuff, but really not that important.

                    Did I mention I have a BA in Physics?

                    80 XS1100G Standard - YammerHammer
                    73 Yamaha DT3 - DirtyHairy
                    62 Norton Atlas - AgileFragile (Dunstalled) waiting reassembly
                    Norton Electra - future restore
                    CZ 400 MX'er
                    68 Ducati Scrambler
                    RC Planes and Helis


                    • #11
                      &quot;I just meant THAT particular third rate clerk.&quot;

                      Anytime some one proposes a new radical idea...
                      "Oh, so now you know more than Einstein?"
                      Al was a fraud, a stealer of other men's intellectual property.
                      Yes, he was quite smart. Smart enough to know his limits, and when to look elsewhere for his ideas.
                      When his "love letters" to his wive were published several years ago... that was quite revealling.
                      There wasn't much spicy stuff, like "Meet me behind the partical accelerator at midnight."
                      More like Einstein proposing his ideas, and she, a reknowned physicist in her own right, telling him that he's an idiot.
                      (Sort of like how my own marriage worked.)

                      Did I mention that I watch the Discovery Channel?
                      "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


                      • #12
                        I have to answer this because it's the first time ever I've heard sombody say"who are we to think we are the only life out there in an ever expanding universe"(my own words),Thanks Now I know I'm not as nuts as people think I am,no I'm not a UFO fanatic but come on, it's something to think about.


                        • #13
                          UFO Unidentified Flying Object

                          I saw a UFO (actually I've seen several). I was at NAS Miramar in San Diego. This weird looking 'thing' was comming in to land. I thought they actually built the (star trek) Starship Enterprise. As it banked and got closer I saw it was a plane with a large disc on top. My first time seeing an AWACS.
                          To me it was a UFO, the person next to me saw another AWACS.
                          Just because it's unknown to the observer dosen't mean it's extraterrestrial.
                          Do I think there's life somewhere other than the Earth? I don't know. But I sure hope there is. I hate to think that with all this space (pun intended) that this is it. Just this one tiny speck (Earth).
                          Pat Kelly

                          1978 XS1100E (The Force)
                          1980 XS1100LG (The Dark Side)
                          2007 Dodge Ram 2500 quad-cab long-bed (Wifes ride)
                          1999 Suburban (The Ship)
                          1994 Dodge Spirit (Son #1)
                          1968 F100 (Valentine)

                          "No one is totally useless. They can always be used as a bad example"


                          • #14
                            I do understand UFO,I just used it automaticly because use that here and the first thing comes to anybodys mind is ET...sorry


                            • #15
                              originally posted by oldman prof
                              Thanks Now I know I'm not as nuts as people think I am,
                              LOL.. come on now, I've read a few of your posts on the SA site


