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UFO's: weather balloons, or mass hysteria?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Pat Kelly
    so, like, our whole universe could be an atom in the fingertip of some giant person............ <pass it over here dude>
    When I was young, I actually had a bit of a fear that that's what was going on (I envisioned us in a fingernail). Well, that's not where the fear came into it. My actual concern came from the thought "What if the giant cuts his fingernails? Then what happens to us?"

    We don't even know what light is. It acts as a photon. It acts as a wave. It can't be both a photon and a wave, yet it is!
    Prom- my physics prof in high school had a name for it. Since it exhibits both particle and wave properties, a photon is a "wavicle"

    I absolutely believe that we are not the only living things in this universe.

    I took an Astronomy class in which we were given some basic assumptions based on probability to work with. We were allowed to choose what we wanted for input data while working within those assumptions. In short, I used the most conservative numbers I thought reasonable, and came up with something like 25 other planets nearly identical to Earth. To think that this one was the only one on which life evolved, is incredibly arrogant, as E. Liberty stated earlier.

    FWIW, I also have similar beliefs concerning ghosts and supernatural phenomena. I might be a little crazy in the head, but on the other hand, maybe I'm not.
    -Do what makes you happy.

    '79 Honda CB 750 K (2)
    '78 XS 11 E - "Rhona"
    ...and a 2nd E, for the goodies on it.


    • #17
      hey do'nt tell everybody they'll kick me off the site.......I'm realy much much better now,truly I am


      • #18
        "What if the giant cuts his fingernails? Then what happens to us?"
        I choose the cigarette ash theory... as the heat would explain Global Warming.
        "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


        • #19
          originally posted by Prom
          I choose the cigarette ash theory... as the heat would explain Global Warming.
          Hopefully he will stay outa the "No Smoking" sections.

          Maybe super novas are just some dude snuffing out a but?!



          • #20
            Going on 300 views of this thread and NO BODY is copping to seeing aliens from outer space or have been abducted by little green men

            No "first encounters"???

            well, take a peek here >>>
            here >>>

            theres a load of ???? on the net



            • #21
              I'm just disappointed that no "Bright Boy" has piped up stating why it's impossable for life to exist elsewhere... so I can grind his theories back into the mud from whence he came(as did us all)

              Really, what's the use of having this enormous brain(Crammed in my enormous head) if I don't get to exercise it once in a while?

              "Come on... somebody give me a fight!"

              Nobody want to argue evolution? Alien evolution? Our evolution?
              There's plenty of alien life forms right here... Monotremes, marsupials, octopi, etc.
              Different evolutions, different environments....
              Homo Sapiens was a fluke. Who says it couldn't have happened elsewhere?
              For sh!t's sake... doesn't anyone watch Star Trek anymore!
              "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


              • #22
                Originally posted by prometheus578
                I'm just disappointed that no "Bright Boy" has piped up stating why it's impossable for life to exist elsewhere... so I can grind his theories back into the mud from whence he came(as did us all)

                Really, what's the use of having this enormous brain(Crammed in my enormous head) if I don't get to exercise it once in a while?

                "Come on... somebody give me a fight!"

                Nobody want to argue evolution? Alien evolution? Our evolution?
                There's plenty of alien life forms right here... Monotremes, marsupials, octopi, etc.
                Different evolutions, different environments....
                Homo Sapiens was a fluke. Who says it couldn't have happened elsewhere?
                For sh!t's sake... doesn't anyone watch Star Trek anymore!
                Now you've scared all the "bright boys"away, given time you could have had some fun


                • #23
                  &quot;I've just scared away the weaklings...&quot;

                  Their arguemants are too easy to defeat.
                  I'm looking for someone who knows(or thinks he does) what he's talking about, and has the balls to stand and defend his beliefs.
                  Not too many people like that around anymore.

                  The purpose of debate is to exchange ideas. You'll either find info that reenforces your opinions, or info that causes you to move to the other side.
                  Either way... you've learned something.
                  "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


                  • #24
                    If I weren't envolved with finding a new home I'd take you on. Actually, since I started this thread, I really should!
                    Though I doubt it sometimes, I think we are closer in thought than not.
                    To be continued.
                    Old bikers never die, they're just out of sight!

                    My recently re-built, hopped up '79 Special caught fire and burned everything from the top of the engine up: gas tank, wiring, seat, & melted my windshield all over the front of the bike. Just bought a 1980 Special that has been non oped for 9 years. My Skoot will rise from the ashes and be re named "The Phoenix!"
                    I've been riding since 1959.


                    • #25
                      &quot;There's no debate...&quot;

                      I believe we both share similar thoughts. Though new perspectives are always refreshing.
                      Too tired to scroll, but I think you mentioned somewhere that these "space aliens" are actually use back from the future. Never heard that one before. Care to illuminate?
                      evolutionarily.. I can't follow the small bodies with the big heads.
                      Bodies, maybe, as Americans are shrinking and Europeans getting taller. Must be the junk food. recall that after WWII, the japanese actually increased in height about 2 inches due to the new food stuff made available to their diet.
                      Bigger heads....? HHmmm... probably have bad teeth, though. Our diminishing jaw size forced our overcrowding in that department.
                      We are sort of de-evolving in several areas. Allowing bad genes to multiply and become the norm. How many children do you see with badly aligned teeth.. and needing to wear glasses. In our distant past, that would have meant starvation and death.
                      (My dogs have perfect teeth and good eyes. sure, they're domesticated... but in the wild, would mean they couldn't hunt successfully. wouldn't be able to breed their bad genes to the next generation like we do)
                      Goes along with my quick insight into evolution in general... "The dead squirrel along the road" theory. He didn't live to pass on his "stupid" genes, hence inproving the breeding population.
                      (I drove around down town Olympia today, where all the freaks and hippies dwell. Shame there's laws against running over pedestrians.
                      "I was just trying to save future humanity, Officer."

                      I see no changes nor challeges in our future environment that would select for many more changes in our physiology. Once an organism finds a comfotable niche... any random mutant change would really have to have a spectacular advantage to the population in order to affect a benefit.
                      "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


                      • #26
                        there's no debate ?

                        Prom thinks we all came from mud.

                        I read somewhere that we were created from the dust of the
                        Earth not mud. Oh, and no evolution was involved.
                        1979 XS1100SF
                        2005 VTX1800S3 ( Dailey ride)


                        • #27
                          I read somewhere that we were created from the dust of the Earth not mud. Oh, and no evolution was involved.
                          I don't argrue aginst that, but we would have "de-envolved". Some life spans in the Good Book seemed to be rather long compared to "modern man".

                          In just a generation or two it should be posible to live 150/200 years, with most doing very well to 120+

                          Not sure where thy would put all the people so...,
                          most likely be restricted to the rich and powerful (like Prom.



                          • #28
                            ET, phone home!

                            The UFO’s as time travel thing. It is theoretically possible to travel backward in time, because the past is as much a place as a “time.” After all, we are able to see into the past with telescopes, no? And if Einstein was wrong, we may very well develop the technology to zap from point A to point B across vast distances of space in the twinkling of the Cosmic eye, and therefore also travel through time: at least into the past.
                            As far as evolving into those stereotypical big headed scrawny type ETs: it could conceivably happen if we manage to survive worldwide cataclysm’s and continue down the road of higher and higher technology. Also, they may be genetically engineered creatures, designed for space travel. But there are different types of creatures reported as UFO inhabitants, and one type is indistinguishable from us except that they are unusually perfect and beautiful. Angelic, one might say. Which leads to the speculation that the Angels of the Bible and even Hindu texts may have been ETs.

                            Have I mentioned that my last name is Darwin? Yep. Born and raised in the Bible belt with the last name of Darwin.
                            “Darwin, huh! I bayut yew mus’ thank we came frum monkeys huh? Huh huh huh (snort!)”
                            “Well I didn’t, but you on the other hand…”)

                            As far as I’m concerned the flap over “Evolution vs. Creationism” being taught in the public schools is more politics on a par with Global Warming. Both evolution and global warming are backed by the same quality of “proof.” Evolution is lacking more than just one “missing link:” it is missing many. While there is abundant evidence of mutation or change and adaptation within a species, there is no proof of one species changing, or evolving into another. On the other hand I don’t see how anyone who claims to be a scientist can fail to see the intelligence which is inherent in, and pervades the Universe. In other words: God creates: creation evolves. I think evolution and intelligent design can and should be taught side by side.

                            I await your bricks, Prom!
                            Edgar A. Darwin, AKA
                            Old bikers never die, they're just out of sight!

                            My recently re-built, hopped up '79 Special caught fire and burned everything from the top of the engine up: gas tank, wiring, seat, & melted my windshield all over the front of the bike. Just bought a 1980 Special that has been non oped for 9 years. My Skoot will rise from the ashes and be re named "The Phoenix!"
                            I've been riding since 1959.


                            • #29
                              &quot;It's late... Too tired to play&quot;

                              Sadly, I throw no bricks tonight, (nor shall I cast the first stone)

                              I won't debate with Creationists.
                              Logic, reasoning and scientific facts are no match for emotional beliefs and kiddie stories told during "Someday School".
                              Just isn't worth the effort.

                              Science promises nothing, yet can prove a few things.
                              Religion promises everything, and can prove nothing.
                              "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


                              • #30
                                Seeing things.

                                Back in the '60's I lived in the English countryside. On a Sunday morning ride I saw a weird thing in the sky. It looked like a cross of Lorraine (you see them on Orthodox churches) Unlike any aircraft I'd ever seen and I worked at an aircraft factory so I'd seen a few. So I chased it.
                                Then in Manitoba in the '80's I was returning from a hunting trip with my buddy Eddie when we saw a really bright flashing light coming towards us, just like in "close encounters" and Eddie is loading OO Buck shells into his 12 Ga and muttering "they ain't getting me without a fight" (Eddie is kinda excitable).
                                Now the boring explanations:-
                                The flying cross was a Bristol tandem-rotor helicopter carrying a downed University Air Squadron DH Chipmunk suspended below it after picking it up from a farmer's field.
                                The flashing light was the sun reflected off a truck & camper's unlawfully mirrored camper front window. The flashing was the vehicle dropping into dips in the road and then cresting out.
                                Had the helicopter landed before I got close enough to recognize what it was or had the truck turned off the road before it came close enough to see I would still believe I'd seen evidence of alien life.
                                Fred Hill, S'toon
                                XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
                                "The Flying Pumpkin"

