Hi gang! This is my first posting, though I've been cruising this site for years. I've recently become active on a couple of boating websites & figured I might as well get with it here too...
I've had an '79 XS1100SF for about 12 years, (traded the original owner a beat-up '68 el Camino for it), and it goes without saying that I really dig the bike!
I'm 48, been riding since I was 10 and have a stable of dirt bikes, 3 Honda 90's, a KDX200 & 2 YZ250's, plus the XS.
My wife, who rides one of the 250's, doesn't think the screen name XSive Dave goes quite far enough...
My XS1100SF t-shirt is kinda faded, but the XS coffee cup is still nice & bright! Got those about 5 years ago here...
You'll be hearing more outta me,
I've had an '79 XS1100SF for about 12 years, (traded the original owner a beat-up '68 el Camino for it), and it goes without saying that I really dig the bike!

I'm 48, been riding since I was 10 and have a stable of dirt bikes, 3 Honda 90's, a KDX200 & 2 YZ250's, plus the XS.

My XS1100SF t-shirt is kinda faded, but the XS coffee cup is still nice & bright! Got those about 5 years ago here...
You'll be hearing more outta me,